Vercel Marketplace Rest API

Learn how to authenticate and use the Marketplace API to set up your integration server for the base URL.

When a customer uses your integration, the following two APIs are used for interaction and communication between the user, Vercel and the provider integration:

  • Vercel calls the provider API
  • The provider calls the Vercel API

Review Native Integration Concepts and Native Integration Flows to learn more.

If an endpoint is marked as deprecated, it will remain in the specification for a period of time, after which it will be removed. The description on the endpoint will include how to migrate and use other endpoints for the same functionality.

This authentication uses the OpenID Connect Protocol (OIDC). Vercel sends a JSON web token (JWT) signed with Vercel’s private key and verifiable using Vercel’s public JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) available here.

User Auth OIDC token claims schema:

  • account_idstringRequired
  • audstringRequired
    The ID of the target integration. Example: "oac_9f4YG9JFjgKkRlxoaaGG0y05"
  • installation_idstringRequired
    The ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"
  • issstringRequired
    One of:
  • substringRequired
    Denotes the User who is making the change (matches /^account:[0-9a-fA-F]+:user:[0-9a-fA-F]+$/)
  • user_avatar_urlstring
    The user's public avatar URL
  • user_emailstring
    The user's verified email address. For this property to have a value, your Marketplace integration must be opted in. Please reach out to Vercel Support to request access. Without access, this property will be undefined.
  • user_idstringRequired
  • user_namestring
    The user's real name
  • user_rolestringRequired
    One of: ADMIN | USER

This authentication uses the OpenID Connect Protocol (OIDC). Vercel sends a JSON web token (JWT) signed with Vercel’s private key and verifiable using Vercel’s public JSON Web Key Sets (JWKS) available here.

System Auth OIDC token claims schema:

  • account_idstringRequired
  • audstringRequired
    The ID of the target integration. Example: "oac_9f4YG9JFjgKkRlxoaaGG0y05"
  • installation_idstring or nullRequired
    The ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"
  • issstringRequired
    One of:
  • substringRequired
    Denotes the Account (or Team) who is making the change (matches /^account:[0-9a-fA-F]+$/), possibly null

This authentication uses the Vercel API authentication bearer token. The access token is provided in the credentials field of the request body of the Upsert Installation call.

The integration provider can initiate the SSO process from their side. This helps to streamline the authentication process for users coming from the provider's platform and provides security when a user attempts to access a resource managed by a Vercel Marketplace integration.

To initiate SSO, an integration provider needs to construct a URL using the following format:{URLSlug}/{installationId}?{query}


  • URLSlug: The unique identifier for your integration in the Vercel Integrations Marketplace
  • installationId: The ID of the specific installation for the user
  • query: Optional query parameters to include additional information


Let's say you have an AWS integration with the following details:

  • URLSlug: aws-marketplace-integration-demo
  • installationId: icfg_PSFtkFqr5djKRtOkNtOHIfSd
  • Additional parameter: resource_id=123456

The constructed URL would look like this:


  1. The provider constructs and redirects the user to the SSO URL
  2. Vercel validates the SSO request and confirms user access
  3. Upon successful validation, Vercel initiates an SSO redirect back to the provider
  4. The user gains authenticated access to the requested resource
API related to Installation operations
put /v1/installations/{installationId}
Security:UseUser Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Create or update an installation
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

The installation was created successfully

  • billingPlanobject
    The billing plan for the installation. If not set, the installation is billed on resource level.
  • Properties
get /v1/installations/{installationId}
Security:UseSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Get an installation
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

The installation

  • billingPlanobject
    The billing plan for the installation. If not set, the installation is billed on resource level.
  • Properties
patch /v1/installations/{installationId}
Security:UseUser Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Update an installation
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

The installation was updated successfully

  • billingPlanobject
    The billing plan for the installation. If not set, the installation is billed on resource level.
  • Properties
delete /v1/installations/{installationId}
Security:UseUser AuthenticationandSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Deletes the Installation. The final deletion is postponed for 12 hours to allow for sending of final invoices. You can request immediate deletion by specifying {finalized:true} in the response.
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

Installation deleted successfully

  • finalizedboolean
    If true, the installation will be removed immediately. Otherwise, the installation will stay in the "delete pending" state for 24 hours awaiting for finalizing invoice(s).
API related to Resource operations
post /v1/installations/{installationId}/resources
Security:UseUser Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Provisions a Resource. This is a synchronous operation but the provisioning can be asynchronous as the Resource does not need to be immediately available however the secrets must be known ahead of time.
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

Return the newly provisioned resource

  • billingPlanobject
    The billing plan for the resource. If not set, the resource is billed on installation level.
  • Properties
  • idstringRequired
    The partner-specific ID of the resource
  • metadataobjectRequired
    User-inputted metadata based on the registered metadata schema.
  • namestringRequired
    User-inputted name for the resource.
  • notificationobject
    Resource's active notification. Example: { "level": "warn", "title": "Database is nearing maximum planned size" }
  • Properties
  • productIdstringRequired
    The partner-specific ID/slug of the product. Example: "redis"
  • protocolSettingsobject
  • Properties
  • secretsarrayRequired
  • Properties
  • statusstringRequired
    One of: ready | pending | suspended | resumed | uninstalled | error
get /v1/installations/{installationId}/resources
Security:UseSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Lists all Resources
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

Return a list of Resources for a given Installation

  • resourcesarrayRequired
  • Properties
get /v1/installations/{installationId}/resources/{resourceId}
Security:UseSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Get a Resource
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string
resourceIdPartner-provided resource IDstring

Return the resource

  • billingPlanobject
    The billing plan for the resource. If not set, the resource is billed on installation level.
  • Properties
  • idstringRequired
    The partner-specific ID of the resource
  • metadataobjectRequired
    User-inputted metadata based on the registered metadata schema.
  • namestringRequired
    User-inputted name for the resource.
  • notificationobject
    Resource's active notification. Example: { "level": "warn", "title": "Database is nearing maximum planned size" }
  • Properties
  • productIdstringRequired
    The partner-specific ID/slug of the product. Example: "redis"
  • protocolSettingsobject
  • Properties
  • statusstringRequired
    One of: ready | pending | suspended | resumed | uninstalled | error
patch /v1/installations/{installationId}/resources/{resourceId}
Security:UseUser Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Updates a resource
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string
resourceIdPartner-provided resource IDstring

Return the updated resource

  • billingPlanobject
    The billing plan for the resource. If not set, the resource is billed on installation level.
  • Properties
  • idstringRequired
    The partner-specific ID of the resource
  • metadataobjectRequired
    User-inputted metadata based on the registered metadata schema.
  • namestringRequired
    User-inputted name for the resource.
  • notificationobject
    Resource's active notification. Example: { "level": "warn", "title": "Database is nearing maximum planned size" }
  • Properties
  • productIdstringRequired
    The partner-specific ID/slug of the product. Example: "redis"
  • protocolSettingsobject
  • Properties
  • statusstringRequired
    One of: ready | pending | suspended | resumed | uninstalled | error
delete /v1/installations/{installationId}/resources/{resourceId}
Security:UseUser AuthenticationandSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Uninstalls and de-provisions a Resource
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string
resourceIdPartner-provided resource IDstring

Resource deleted successfully

No content

post /v1/installations/{installationId}/resources/{resourceId}/repl
Security:UseUser Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:The REPL is a command-line interface on the Store Details page that allows customers to directly interact with their resource. This endpoint is used to run commands on a specific resource.
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string
resourceIdPartner-provided resource IDstring

Return result of running REPL command

  • array
  • Array
API related to Billing operations
get /v1/products/{productSlug}/plans
Security:UseSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.

Vercel sends a request to the partner to return quotes for different billing plans for a specific Product.

Note: You can have this request triggered by Vercel before the integration is installed when the Product is created for the first time. In this case, OIDC will be incomplete and will not contain an account ID.

productSlugThe partner-specific ID/slug of the product. Example: "redis"string

Return a list of billing plans

  • plansarrayRequired
  • Properties
get /v1/installations/{installationId}/resources/{resourceId}/plans
Security:UseSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Returns the set of billing plans available to a specific Resource
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string
resourceIdPartner-provided resource IDstring

Return a list of billing plans for a resource

  • plansarrayRequired
  • Properties
get /v1/installations/{installationId}/plans
Security:UseSystem Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Returns the set of billing plans available to a specific Installation
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

Return a list of billing plans for an installation

  • plansarrayRequired
  • Properties
post /v1/installations/{installationId}/billing/provision
Security:UseUser Authenticationto secure this endpoint.
Description:Optional endpoint, only required if your integration supports billing plans with type prepayment.
installationIdThe ID of target installation. Example: "icfg_9bceb8ccT32d3U417ezb5c8p"string

Return a timestamp alongside a list of balances for the installation with the most up-to-date values

  • balancesarrayRequired
  • Properties
  • timestampstring (date-time)Required
    Server time of your integration, used to determine the most recent data for race conditions & updates. Format is ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ
get /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/account
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Fetches the best account or user’s contact info
  • contactobject or nullRequired
    The best contact for the integration, which can change as team members and their roles change.
  • Properties
  • namestring
    The name of the team the installation is tied to.
  • urlstringRequired
    A URL linking to the installation in the Vercel Dashboard.
get /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/member/{memberId}
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Returns the member role and other information for a given member ID ("user_id" claim in the SSO OIDC token).
  • idstringRequired
  • rolestringRequired
    One of: ADMIN | USER
post /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/events
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Partner notifies Vercel of any changes made to an Installation or a Resource. Vercel is expected to use list-resources and other read APIs to get the new state.

resource.updated event should be dispatched when any state of a resource linked to Vercel is modified by the partner.
installation.updated event should be dispatched when an installation's billing plan is changed via the provider instead of Vercel.

Resource update use cases:

- The user renames a database in the partner’s application. The partner should dispatch a resource.updated event to notify Vercel to update the resource in Vercel’s datastores.
- A resource has been suspended due to a lack of use. The partner should dispatch a resource.updated event to notify Vercel to update the resource's status in Vercel's datastores.

No content

post /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/billing
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Sends the billing and usage data. The partner should do this at least once a day and ideally once per hour.
Use the credentials.access_token we provided in the Upsert Installation body to authorize this request.

No content

post /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/billing/invoices
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:This endpoint allows the partner to submit an invoice to Vercel. The invoice is created in Vercel's billing system and sent to the customer. Depending on the type of billing plan, the invoice can be sent at a time of signup, at the start of the billing period, or at the end of the billing period.

Use the credentials.access_token we provided in the Upsert Installation body to authorize this request.
There are several limitations to the invoice submission:

1. A resource can only be billed once per the billing period and the billing plan.
2. The billing plan used to bill the resource must have been active for this resource during the billing period.
3. The billing plan used must be a subscription plan.
4. The interim usage data must be sent hourly for all types of subscriptions. See Send subscription billing and usage data API on how to send interim billing and usage data.
  • invoiceIdstring
  • testboolean
  • validationErrorsarray
get /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/billing/invoices/{invoiceId}
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Get Invoice details and status for a given invoice ID.

See Billing Events with Webhooks documentation on how to receive invoice events. This endpoint is used to retrieve the invoice details.
  • createdstringRequired
  • discountsarray
  • Properties
  • externalIdstring
  • invoiceDatestringRequired
  • invoiceIdstringRequired
  • invoiceNumberstring
  • itemsarrayRequired
  • Properties
  • memostring
  • periodobjectRequired
  • Properties
  • refundReasonstring
  • refundTotalstring
  • statestringRequired
    One of: pending | scheduled | invoiced | paid | notpaid | refund_requested | refunded
  • testbooleanRequired
  • totalstringRequired
  • updatedstringRequired
post /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/billing/invoices/{invoiceId}/actions
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:This endpoint allows the partner to request a refund for an invoice to Vercel. The invoice is created using the Submit Invoice API.

No content

post /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/billing/balance
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Sends the prepayment balances. The partner should do this at least once a day and ideally once per hour.
Use the credentials.access_token we provided in the Upsert Installation body to authorize this request.

No content

put /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/products/{integrationProductIdOrSlug}/resources/{resourceId}/secrets
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:This endpoint is deprecated and replaced with the endpoint Update Resource Secrets.
This endpoint updates the secrets of a resource. If a resource has projects connected, the connected secrets are updated with the new secrets. The old secrets may still be used by existing connected projects because they are not automatically redeployed. Redeployment is a manual action and must be completed by the user. All new project connections will use the new secrets.

Use cases for this endpoint:

- Resetting the credentials of a database in the partner. If the user requests the credentials to be updated in the partner’s application, the partner post the new set of secrets to Vercel, the user should redeploy their application and the expire the old credentials.

No content

put /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/resources/{resourceId}/secrets
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:This endpoint updates the secrets of a resource. If a resource has projects connected, the connected secrets are updated with the new secrets. The old secrets may still be used by existing connected projects because they are not automatically redeployed. Redeployment is a manual action and must be completed by the user. All new project connections will use the new secrets.

Use cases for this endpoint:

- Resetting the credentials of a database in the partner. If the user requests the credentials to be updated in the partner’s application, the partner post the new set of secrets to Vercel, the user should redeploy their application and the expire the old credentials.

No content

put /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/resources/{resourceId}
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:This endpoint imports (upserts) a resource to Vercel's installation. This may be needed if resources can be independently created on the partner's side and need to be synchronized to Vercel.
  • namestringRequired
post /v1/integrations/sso/token
Description:During the autorization process, Vercel sends the user to the provider redirectLoginUrl, that includes the OAuth authorization code parameter. The provider then calls the SSO Token Exchange endpoint with the sent code and receives the OIDC token. They log the user in based on this token and redirects the user back to the Vercel account using deep-link parameters included the redirectLoginUrl. This is used to verify the identity of the user during the Open in Provider flow. Providers should not persist the returned id_token in a database since the token will expire.
  • access_tokenRequired
  • id_tokenstringRequired
  • token_typeRequired
post /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/resources/{resourceId}/experimentation/items
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Create one or multiple experimentation items

The items were created

No content

patch /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/resources/{resourceId}/experimentation/items/{itemId}
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Patch an existing experimentation item

The item was updated

No content

delete /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/resources/{resourceId}/experimentation/items/{itemId}
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Delete an existing experimentation item

The item was deleted

No content

head /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/resources/{resourceId}/experimentation/edge-config
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:When the user enabled Edge Config syncing, then this endpoint can be used by the partner to fetch the contents of the Edge Config.

The Edge Config data

  • digeststringRequired
  • itemsobjectRequired
  • updatedAtnumberRequired
put /v1/installations/{integrationConfigurationId}/resources/{resourceId}/experimentation/edge-config
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:When the user enabled Edge Config syncing, then this endpoint can be used by the partner to push their configuration data into the relevant Edge Config.

The Edge Config was updated

  • digeststringRequired
  • itemsobjectRequired
  • updatedAtnumberRequired
post /v1/integrations/sso/token
Description:During the autorization process, Vercel sends the user to the provider redirectLoginUrl, that includes the OAuth authorization code parameter. The provider then calls the SSO Token Exchange endpoint with the sent code and receives the OIDC token. They log the user in based on this token and redirects the user back to the Vercel account using deep-link parameters included the redirectLoginUrl. This is used to verify the identity of the user during the Open in Provider flow. Providers should not persist the returned id_token in a database since the token will expire.
  • access_tokenRequired
  • id_tokenstringRequired
  • token_typeRequired

get /v1/experimentation/items
Security:UsebearerTokento secure this endpoint.
Description:Query experimentation items
  • itemsarrayRequired
  • Properties

You can receive the following events:

  • 2025-02-13: Added experimental "Import Resource" endpoint.
  • 2025-02-07: Prepayment plan-related endpoints have been added to documentation. See new fields added to billing plans, Provision Purchase endpoint, and Submit Prepayment Balances endpoint.
  • 2025-02-05: The finalization period is extended to 24 hours in the "Delete Installation" API.
  • 2024-10-08: "Provision Resource" now passes through the externalId property from the external-id query parameter in the Deploy Button flow.
  • 2024-10-04: "Upsert Installation" and "Update Installation" APIs now allow returning {billingPlan: BillingPlan} in the response. This is useful for installation level billing.
  • 2024-09-06: "Delete Installation" API can optionally return {finalized: true} to signal that the installation can be removed immediately. Otherwise, the installation will wait for up to 12hr for any pending billing data to be submitted.
  • 2024-08-27: Removed BillingPlan.maxResources field.
  • 2024-08-20: Added AccountInfo.url field to the "Get Account Information" API.
  • 2024-08-16: "Get Member Information" API.
  • 2024-08-16: Documentation for API error responses (e.g. 400, 403) added.
  • 2024-08-15: Added "Get Installation" and "List Billing Plans for Installation" API for installation-level billing. Added BillingPlan.scope attribute that determines installation or resource level billing for a billing plan.
  • 2024-08-14: "Submit Invoice" and "Submit Billing Data" APIs no longer require resourceId for each item.
  • 2024-08-14: "Submit Invoice" and "Submit Billing Data" APIs accept discounts fields.
  • 2024-08-13: Resource.billingPlan is no longer required when the integration has installation-level billing enabled. If installation-level billing is not enabled in the Integration Console and this property is missing, the response will be treated as an error.
  • 2024-08-09: Added the user_email to the User Authentication JWT claims.
  • 2024-07-24: Added REPL endpoint.
  • 2024-07-09: Removed BillingPlan.requiredPolicies? and ProvisionResourceRequest.acceptedPolicies fields until further notice. The only policies required/accepted for now are for the InstallIntegrationRequest.
  • 2024-07-01: Resource.notification field for an optional active resource notification.
  • 2024-07-01: BillingPlan.quote field is replaced with more generic BillingPlan.details and BillingPlan.cost fields.
  • 2024-07-01: BillingPlan.paymentMethodRequired field as added to indicate free plans.
  • 2024-06-16: The "Refund Invoice" API.
  • 2024-06-03: The "Submit Invoice" and "Get Invoice" APIs.
  • 2024-06-03: The negative amount statement for the BillingItem in the "Send invoice billing and usage data" endpoint is removed as not correct.
  • 2024-05-30: The Vercel API routes using the /v1/integrations/marketplace/installations namespace were shortened to /v1/installations. The old, longer namespaced routes will continue to work as expected.
  • 2024-05-23: BillingPlan.type value of "invoice" has been changed to "subscription".
  • 2024-05-21: Resource.billingPlan type has been changed from string (for a plan ID) to a BillingPlan structure with the complete plan information. billingPlan: string for a plan ID has been changed to billingPlanId: string for consistency.
  • 2024-05-21: BillingPlan.maxProducts has been renamed to maxResources.
Last updated on March 8, 2025