Dashboard Overview
Learn how to use the Vercel dashboard to view and manage all aspects of the Vercel platform, including your Projects and Deployments.You can use the Vercel dashboard to view and manage all aspects of the Vercel platform, including your Projects and Deployments. What you see in each tab is dependant on the scope that is selected.

What you see in each tab is dependant on the scope that is selected.
The scope selector allows you to switch between your Hobby team and any teams that you may be part of. To switch between accounts and teams, select the arrows next to the name:

Scope selector to switch between personal and other team accounts.
To go back to your Team dashboard at any time, click the Vercel logo or the scope selector.
When you first create an account and log on to Vercel, you'll be greeted by your dashboard overview. This shows information on all projects that you have on Vercel, regardless of status.
Depending on the scope that has been selected, you'll be able to view all projects belonging to either your Personal Account or a Team account.
Dashboard overview
Learn how to use the dashboard to view and manage your Projects.
Go to my Dashboard
View all Projects belonging to the selected account scope.
Integrations allow you to extend the capabilities of Vercel and connect with third-party platforms or services. Users and Teams on all plans can use or create Integrations.
Through the Integrations section on the dashboard, you can view and manage a list of all integrations on your account, browse the marketplace to install integrations, or go to the Integrations Console to create your own Integration.
Integrations overview
Learn how to create, install, and manage your integrations.
Go to my Integrations
View all Integrations with your Projects.
The Activity Log provides a list of all events on a Hobby team, chronologically organized since its creation. The events that you will see are dependant on the type of account and role within a Team.
Activity overview
Learn how to use the Activity log to see relevant events.
Go to my Activity Log
View your Activity Log.
The recent previews panel gives you a quick way to access recently deployed and viewed previews within your teams. It's scoped to the team you are actively viewing.
Each listed preview shows the latest deployment ID and status. Any associated pull request to your git provider is also shown or the relevant git branch.
Selecting a preview from the list will navigate to the live preview.
You can also navigate to related items for a preview deployment:
- The associated pull request or code repository page by clicking the label that will have the word "Code" or the pull request ID
- The deployment details by clicking the label with the deployment ID and status icon
Each preview deployment item also has a context menu where you can see further details and also remove the listing.
By default, all deployments are assigned a domain with the suffix: .vercel.app
. This domain can be replaced with a Custom Domain of your choice.
The Domains section of the dashboard lets you view all domains related to your account or Team, and allows you to Buy, Add, or Transfer In a custom domain.
Custom domains overview
Learn how to set custom domains for your Projects.
Go to my Domains
Add, buy, transfer, and manage domains for your Projects.
The Usage tab on the Dashboard provides detailed insight into the actual resource usage of all projects relating to your account or Team.
From the dashboard, you can filter the usage by billing cycle, date, project, or function.
Usage overview
Learn how to use the Usage dashboard to monitor resource usage.
Go to my Usage
Monitor the resource usage of the selected account scope through key metrics.
There are two different types of settings pages:
- Personal Account / Team Settings - These settings allow you to manage account details, billing, invoicing, membership, security, and tokens. The options you see will depend on the your scope and permissions.
- Project Settings - You can view this by selecting a project in the dashboard and then selecting its settings. From there you can manage project details, domains, integrations, Git, functions, environment variables, and security.
Vercel provides a Command Menu that enables you to navigate through the dashboard and perform common actions using only the keyboard.
You can access the menu using by pressing ⌘ + K on macOS or Ctrl + K on Windows and Linux. Note that you must be logged in to access the Command Menu.
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