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Cover for Improvements to command line logsCover for Improvements to command line logs

Improvements to command line logs

Vercel CLI v35 introduces new commands to access of deployment and runtime logs:

  • vercel deploy --logs deploys and shows build logs
  • vercel inspect --logs shows build logs for an existing deployment
  • vercel logs now follows runtime logs of an existing deployment

You can now use the --json option to stream logs as JSON. This makes it easier to parse and filter logs using tools like jq.

vercel logs --json | jq 'select(.level == "warning")'
Using the Vercel CLI with jq to filter for warning logs

To use these features, update to the latest version of the Vercel CLI:

pnpm add -g vercel
Install the Vercel CLI globally using the pnpm package manager.

Cover for Instantly redirect traffic using custom Vercel Firewall rulesCover for Instantly redirect traffic using custom Vercel Firewall rules

Instantly redirect traffic using custom Vercel Firewall rules

You can now redirect requests to a new page using custom Firewall rules, adding to the existing challenge and block actions.

Publishing custom rules does not require a new deployment and will instantly propagate across the global Vercel Edge Network. Therefore, using custom rule redirects in moderation could provide a fast alternative to Edge Network redirects, particularly in emergency situations.

Firewall redirects execute before Edge Network configuration redirects (e.g. vercel.json or next.config.js) are evaluated.

Custom rules are available for free on all plans.

Cover for Longer history available in Speed InsightsCover for Longer history available in Speed Insights

Longer history available in Speed Insights

We've increased the viewable history in Speed Insights for all plan types:

  • Hobby: Now 7 days (up from 24 hours)
  • Pro: Now 30 days (up from 7 days)
  • Enterprise: Now 90 days (up from 30 days)

Measure your site's performance over longer periods, at no additional cost.

Learn more about Speed Insights or enable Speed Insights for your project.

Cover for Automatically skip unnecessary deployments in monoreposCover for Automatically skip unnecessary deployments in monorepos

Automatically skip unnecessary deployments in monorepos

Vercel now automatically skip builds for unchanged code in your monorepo.

Projects without changes in their source code (or the source code of internal dependencies) will be skipped, reducing build queuing and improving the time to deployment for affected projects.

This feature is powered by Turborepo, and works with any monorepo using workspaces. For more advanced customization, like canceling builds based on branches, you can configure an Ignored Build Step.

Learn more about skipping unaffected projects.

Cover for Improvements to Support CenterCover for Improvements to Support Center

Improvements to Support Center

The Support Center now has an improved design to make it easier to understand the state of your support cases. You can now find cases by:

  • Searching the subject lines
  • Filtering by status
  • Sorting by Last Updated, Date Created and Severity

Support Center is available to Pro and Enterprise customers.

Cover for New utilities to work with Vercel FunctionsCover for New utilities to work with Vercel Functions

New utilities to work with Vercel Functions

@vercel/functions now includes new utilities:

  • geolocation: Returns location information of the incoming request
  • ipAddress: Returns the IP address of the incoming request
  • getEnv: Returns system environment variables from Vercel

Install the latest package to use these methods today:

pnpm i @vercel/functions​

Learn more in the documentation.

Improved CDN Performance

We've improved our Edge Network performance by increasing the initial TCP congestion window by 300%. This enhancement allows sending more data in the initial and subsequent round-trips, resulting in faster page loads for websites of all sizes.

End users will experience significant speed improvements when first loading any site hosted on Vercel, with many sites seeing up to 3x faster initial page loads. The larger initial congestion window allows data transfer to ramp up more quickly, reaching higher speeds in fewer round-trips. This optimization is particularly beneficial for high-latency connections, such as those on mobile devices.

This performance upgrade is available immediately for all Vercel customers across all plans, with no action required. Your sites will automatically benefit from these improvements without any changes needed on your part.

Cover for Log Drains now support the Vercel FirewallCover for Log Drains now support the Vercel Firewall

Log Drains now support the Vercel Firewall

You can now drain Vercel Firewall actions to external providers through Log Drains.

Requests denied by the Vercel Firewall will be drained with the firewall source. This includes the following events:

  • Requests blocked by a Custom Rule
  • Requests blocked by Challenge Mode
  • Requests blocked Managed Rules (e.g. OWASP CRS)
  • Requests blocked by an IP Rule

If a rule is set to log or to bypass, requests will not be sent to Log Drains. Firewall actions are also surfaced inside of Monitoring.

Learn more about the Log Drains.

Fast Origin Transfer is now automatically compressed

We’ve improved Fast Origin Transfer—our Edge Network’s ability to transfer data from every region globally to the origin—to be compressed by default.

Fast Origin Transfer is incurred when using any of Vercel’s compute projects, like Functions, Middleware, and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR). Starting today, all data transfer between edge regions and the origin location is now automatically compressed. This matches the behavior of Fast Data Transfer.

Learn more about Fast Origin Transfer and how to optimize.

Cover for Vercel Firewall now supports localized challenge pagesCover for Vercel Firewall now supports localized challenge pages

Vercel Firewall now supports localized challenge pages

The Vercel Firewall now localizes the challenge page text to 22 different languages.

Challenges are automatically served for malicious traffic or when defined through custom rules. The updated page also features a new design, which supports light and dark mode.

Learn more about the Vercel Firewall.

Cover for Improvements to command line logsCover for Improvements to command line logs

Vercel CLI v35 introduces new commands to access of deployment and runtime logs:

  • vercel deploy --logs deploys and shows build logs
  • vercel inspect --logs shows build logs for an existing deployment
  • vercel logs now follows runtime logs of an existing deployment

You can now use the --json option to stream logs as JSON. This makes it easier to parse and filter logs using tools like jq.

vercel logs --json | jq 'select(.level == "warning")'
Using the Vercel CLI with jq to filter for warning logs

To use these features, update to the latest version of the Vercel CLI:

pnpm add -g vercel
Install the Vercel CLI globally using the pnpm package manager.

Cover for Instantly redirect traffic using custom Vercel Firewall rulesCover for Instantly redirect traffic using custom Vercel Firewall rules

You can now redirect requests to a new page using custom Firewall rules, adding to the existing challenge and block actions.

Publishing custom rules does not require a new deployment and will instantly propagate across the global Vercel Edge Network. Therefore, using custom rule redirects in moderation could provide a fast alternative to Edge Network redirects, particularly in emergency situations.

Firewall redirects execute before Edge Network configuration redirects (e.g. vercel.json or next.config.js) are evaluated.

Custom rules are available for free on all plans.

Cover for Longer history available in Speed InsightsCover for Longer history available in Speed Insights

We've increased the viewable history in Speed Insights for all plan types:

  • Hobby: Now 7 days (up from 24 hours)
  • Pro: Now 30 days (up from 7 days)
  • Enterprise: Now 90 days (up from 30 days)

Measure your site's performance over longer periods, at no additional cost.

Learn more about Speed Insights or enable Speed Insights for your project.

Cover for Automatically skip unnecessary deployments in monoreposCover for Automatically skip unnecessary deployments in monorepos

Vercel now automatically skip builds for unchanged code in your monorepo.

Projects without changes in their source code (or the source code of internal dependencies) will be skipped, reducing build queuing and improving the time to deployment for affected projects.

This feature is powered by Turborepo, and works with any monorepo using workspaces. For more advanced customization, like canceling builds based on branches, you can configure an Ignored Build Step.

Learn more about skipping unaffected projects.

Cover for Improvements to Support CenterCover for Improvements to Support Center

The Support Center now has an improved design to make it easier to understand the state of your support cases. You can now find cases by:

  • Searching the subject lines
  • Filtering by status
  • Sorting by Last Updated, Date Created and Severity

Support Center is available to Pro and Enterprise customers.

Cover for New utilities to work with Vercel FunctionsCover for New utilities to work with Vercel Functions

@vercel/functions now includes new utilities:

  • geolocation: Returns location information of the incoming request
  • ipAddress: Returns the IP address of the incoming request
  • getEnv: Returns system environment variables from Vercel

Install the latest package to use these methods today:

pnpm i @vercel/functions​

Learn more in the documentation.

We've improved our Edge Network performance by increasing the initial TCP congestion window by 300%. This enhancement allows sending more data in the initial and subsequent round-trips, resulting in faster page loads for websites of all sizes.

End users will experience significant speed improvements when first loading any site hosted on Vercel, with many sites seeing up to 3x faster initial page loads. The larger initial congestion window allows data transfer to ramp up more quickly, reaching higher speeds in fewer round-trips. This optimization is particularly beneficial for high-latency connections, such as those on mobile devices.

This performance upgrade is available immediately for all Vercel customers across all plans, with no action required. Your sites will automatically benefit from these improvements without any changes needed on your part.

Cover for Log Drains now support the Vercel FirewallCover for Log Drains now support the Vercel Firewall

You can now drain Vercel Firewall actions to external providers through Log Drains.

Requests denied by the Vercel Firewall will be drained with the firewall source. This includes the following events:

  • Requests blocked by a Custom Rule
  • Requests blocked by Challenge Mode
  • Requests blocked Managed Rules (e.g. OWASP CRS)
  • Requests blocked by an IP Rule

If a rule is set to log or to bypass, requests will not be sent to Log Drains. Firewall actions are also surfaced inside of Monitoring.

Learn more about the Log Drains.

We’ve improved Fast Origin Transfer—our Edge Network’s ability to transfer data from every region globally to the origin—to be compressed by default.

Fast Origin Transfer is incurred when using any of Vercel’s compute projects, like Functions, Middleware, and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR). Starting today, all data transfer between edge regions and the origin location is now automatically compressed. This matches the behavior of Fast Data Transfer.

Learn more about Fast Origin Transfer and how to optimize.

Cover for Vercel Firewall now supports localized challenge pagesCover for Vercel Firewall now supports localized challenge pages

The Vercel Firewall now localizes the challenge page text to 22 different languages.

Challenges are automatically served for malicious traffic or when defined through custom rules. The updated page also features a new design, which supports light and dark mode.

Learn more about the Vercel Firewall.