2 min read

Manage Emails

Learn how to manage your email addresses on Vercel.
Table of Contents

Your account email addresses are listed in your account settings.

To access your account settings from the dashboard:

  • Select your avatar in the top right corner of the dashboard
  • Next select Account Settings

You can add a new email address by selecting the Add Another button in the Emails section of your account settings.

Once your new email address is added, you will receive an email to the newly added email with a verification link. Follow the link in the email to verify your new email address.

All verified email addresses can be used to log in to your account, including your primary email address.

You can add up to three emails per account. A single email domain can only be shared by two of your emails at once.

Your account email addresses.
Your account email addresses.

Your primary email address is the email address that will be used to send you notifications, such as when you receive a new preview comment or when you are invited to a team.

Once you have added and verified a new email address, you can change your primary email address by selecting Set as Primary in the dot menu.

Setting your primary email address.
Setting your primary email address.

To remove an email address select the Delete button in the dot menu.

If you wish to remove your primary email address, you will need to set a new primary email address first.

Last updated on July 27, 2024