2 min read

Feature Flags

Learn how you can use Vercel's DX platform to manage, view, override feature flags that your team has enabled.
Table of Contents

Feature flags are available in Beta on all plans

Vercel works with your existing feature flags implementation and allows you to ship, test, and experiment with confidence by providing a seamless integration with our DX platform:

You can also implement Feature flags as code by using the Flags pattern in your Next.js App Router application.

Vercel is compatible with any feature flag provider including LaunchDarkly, Optimizely, Statsig, Hypertune, Split, and custom feature flag setups.

Using the Vercel Toolbar, you're able to view, override, and share feature flags for your application without leaving your browser tab.

You can manage feature flags from the toolbar in any development environment that your team has enabled the toolbar for. This includes local development, preview deployments, and production deployments.

Feature flags play a crucial role in the software development lifecycle, enabling safe feature rollouts, experimentation, and A/B testing. When you integrate your feature flags with the Vercel platform, you can improve your application by using Vercel's observability features.

If you're using Next.js App Router, or Sveltekit for your application, you have the option of implementing feature flags as code. This allows you to manage feature flags in your application codebase, including the ability to use feature flags in your routing logic through precomputed flags.

An Edge Config is a global data store that enables experimentation with feature flags, A/B testing, critical redirects, and IP blocking. It enables you to read data at the edge without querying an external database or hitting upstream servers. With Vercel Integrations, you can connect with external providers to synchronize their flags into your Edge Config.

With Vercel's optimizations, you can read Edge Config data at negligible latency. The vast majority of your reads will complete within 15ms at P99, or as low as 0ms in some scenarios.

Last updated on July 27, 2024