Using Edge Config with an integration
Learn how to use Edge Config with popular A/B testing and feature flag service integrations.Edge Config integrations are available on all plans
Vercel has partnered with A/B testing and feature flag services such as LaunchDarkly and Statsig to make it easier to integrate Edge Config into your workflow. These integrations sync feature flag definitions into Edge Config, allowing you to evaluate flags at the edge without making network calls to your preferred service provider.
To see these integrations in action, explore a template:

Optimizely Feature Experimentation
Fast and safe experimentation with Next.js App Router, Vercel Feature Flags, and Optimizely Feature Experimentation

Experimentation with Statsig
Reduce CLS and improve performance from client-loaded experiments at the edge with Statsig

Statsig Experimentation with Flags SDK
Run experiments on static pages with Statsig and the Flags SDK
You can get started with any of these Edge Config integrations by following the quickstart:
Create and read from your Edge Config in minutes.
Read with the SDK
Read from your Edge Config at the fastest speeds.
Use the Dashboard
Manage your Edge Configs in the Vercel dashboard.
Manage with the API
Manage your Edge Configs with the Vercel API.
Edge Config Limits
Learn about the limits of Edge Configs.
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