2 min read

Common Examples

Learn how to use Vercel WAF to protect your site in specific situations.
Table of Contents

When reviewing your site's traffic in the live monitor of your project's Firewall tab, you notice a traffic spike coming from Ireland, where you do not have customers and/or do not expect much traffic.

You view the traffic by country by selecting Default Web Traffic from the traffic grouping drop-down and Country for the secondary drop-down

  1. Select the Configure button on the top right
  2. Select + New Rule
  3. Type "Ireland Traffic" as Name and "Understand Ireland traffic spike" as Description
  4. In the If section of the Configure section
  • Select Country in the first drop-down
  • Leave Equals unchanged
  • Select Ireland in the third drop-down
  1. Leave the Log option in the Then section
  2. Select Save Rule
  3. Apply the changes:
    • When you make any change, you will see a Review Changes button appear or update on the top right with the number of changes requested
    • Select Review Changes and review the changes to be applied
    • Select Publish to apply the changes to your production deployment
  4. Observe the traffic for this rule on the Firewall overview page
  5. Update the rule's Then action to Deny and select Save Rule
  6. Apply the changes
  7. Review the live monitor. The traffic from that region should now be zero

When reviewing your site's traffic in the live monitor of your project's Firewall tab, you notice a traffic spike coming from the IP address

You view the traffic by IP Address by selecting Default Web Traffic from the traffic grouping drop-down and IP Address for the secondary drop-down

  1. Select the Configure button on the top right
  2. Select + New Rule
  3. Scroll down to the IP Blocking section
  4. Select the + Add IP button
  5. In the Configure New Domain Protection modal, type for the IP Address field and match the Host field with the domain of your production deployment
  6. Select the Create IP Block Rule button
  7. Apply the changes:
    • When you make any change, you will see a Review Changes button appear or update on the top right with the number of changes requested
    • Select Review Changes and review the changes to be applied
    • Select Publish to apply the changes to your production deployment
  8. Review the live monitor. The traffic from should now be zero
Last updated on July 27, 2024