Using an ORM to access your Postgres database
Learn how to use your favorite ORM to access your database from your appsVercel Postgres is available on Hobby and Pro plans for customers with existing Vercel Postgres storage. You can create a new Postgres storage with the Neon Marketplace integration if you don't have an existing Vercel Postgres store. Existing Vercel Postgres storage will be automatically transitioned to the Neon Serverless Postgres product integration from the first week of December 2024, and expected to be completed by the end of January 2025. No action is required on your end and there will be no downtime and pricing change.
Vercel Postgres provides an SDK, but we recommend using an ORM for larger applications.
If your ORM is featured on this page, read the corresponding section for the most optimal configuration instructions.
Kysely is a type-safe and autocomplete-friendly TypeScript SQL query builder. Use our Kysely template to deploy a Next.js project that connects to Vercel Postgres with Kysely now.
To use Kysely, follow these steps:
Install the Kysely package:
pnpm i kysely @vercel/postgres-kysely
Use the
method from@vercel/postgres-kysely
to create a client with a pooled connectionimport { createKysely } from '@vercel/postgres-kysely'; interface Database { person: PersonTable; pet: PetTable; movie: MovieTable; } const db = createKysely<Database>(); await db .insertInto('pet') .values({ name: 'Catto', species: 'cat', owner_id: id }) .execute(); const person = await db .selectFrom('person') .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '') .select(['first_name', ' as pet_name']) .where('', '=', id) .executeTakeFirst();
Kysely supports all PostgreSQL commands. See Kysely's docs for a full reference of the methods used to send the commands.
Prisma is a next-gen ORM that includes a type-safe query builder, migration system, and database management interface. Use our Prisma template to deploy a Next.js project that connects to Vercel Postgres with Prisma now.
To use Vercel Postgres with Prisma, you must:
Install Prisma client and Prisma CLI:
pnpm i prisma @prisma/client
Use your environment variables in your
file as shown below:schema.prismagenerator client { provider = "prisma-client-js" } datasource db { provider = "postgresql" // Uses connection pooling url = env("POSTGRES_PRISMA_URL") // Uses direct connection, ⚠️ make sure to keep this to `POSTGRES_URL_NON_POOLING` // or you'll have dangling databases from migrations directUrl = env("POSTGRES_URL_NON_POOLING") } model User { id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) name String email String @unique image String createdAt DateTime @default(now()) }
to query your Vercel Postgres databaseimport { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'; const prisma = new PrismaClient(); export default async function prismaExample() { const newUser = await prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Elliott', email: '', }, }); const users = await prisma.user.findMany(); }
Whenever you make changes to your prisma schema, you must run a migration, then run
prisma generate
to update the generated type generations, which live in thenode_modules/.prisma/client
directory. You can do this by adding the following script to yourpackage.json
:package.json{ "scripts": { "vercel-build": "prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy && next build" } }
When you connect with Prisma using the POSTGRES_PRISMA_URL
environment variable, the parameters connect_timeout=10
and pgbouncer=true
will be set.
See the Prisma docs to learn more.
See the Prisma Migrate docs to migrate your database.
Drizzle is a TypeScript ORM that enables developers to build type-safe SQL queries. It relies on zero dependencies, and uses a SQL-like syntax to offer a lower learning curve than other ORMs. Use our Drizzle template to deploy a Next.js project that connects to Vercel Postgres with Drizzle now.
To use Drizzle with Vercel Postgres, you must:
Install the
package to write queries, and thedrizzle-kit
package to define your schema and manage migrations:pnpm i drizzle-orm
pnpm i -D drizzle-kit
Create a
file for your database tables:drizzle/schema.tsimport { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/vercel-postgres'; import { sql } from '@vercel/postgres'; import { pgTable, serial, text, timestamp, uniqueIndex, } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'; export const UsersTable = pgTable( 'users', { id: serial('id').primaryKey(), name: text('name').notNull(), email: text('email').notNull(), image: text('image').notNull(), createdAt: timestamp('createdAt').defaultNow().notNull(), }, (users) => { return { uniqueIdx: uniqueIndex('unique_idx').on(, }; }, );
Install the
package to load the environment variables outside of the Next.js runtime:pnpm i @next/env
drizzle/envConfig.tsimport { loadEnvConfig } from '@next/env'; const projectDir = process.cwd(); loadEnvConfig(projectDir);
Create a
file in the root of your project, import the environment variables config, add the path to your schema file, and your VercelPOSTGRES_URL
connection string:drizzle.config.tsimport '@/drizzle/envConfig'; import { defineConfig } from 'drizzle-kit'; export default defineConfig({ schema: './drizzle/schema.ts', dialect: 'postgresql', dbCredentials: { url: process.env.POSTGRES_URL, }, });
Use the
CLI to generate your tables:Terminalnpx drizzle-kit push
After running this command, you can view your tables in your Vercel dashboard, under the Storage tab. Follow the Drizzle-Kit docs to migrate and seed your database, and learn how to use the Drizzle-Studio.
Lastly, create a new client to query your database:
drizzle/db.tsimport '@/drizzle/envConfig'; import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/vercel-postgres'; import { sql } from '@vercel/postgres'; import * as schema from './schema'; export const db = drizzle(sql, { schema }); export const getUsers = async () => { return db.query.users.findMany(); };
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