The teams we empower.

stripe Logostripe Logo

Stripe builds viral Black Friday site in 19 days with Vercel.

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adobe Logoadobe Logo

We spend so much less time thinking about load performance because of the optimizations Vercel offers us.”

loom Logoloom Logo

Loom collaborates, builds, and iterates faster with headless architecture on Vercel

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leonardo-ai Logoleonardo-ai Logo

Switching to Vercel transformed our workflow, cutting build times from 10 minutes to just 2 minutes.​‌‍”

sonos Logosonos Logo

“Our developers are happier, we get to market faster. Vercel let us move with confidence.

chick-fil-a Logochick-fil-a Logo

Chick-fil-A decreased build times from 25 min to 5 sec with Vercel.

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