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Monday, June 1st 2020

June 2020


  • As of June 19th 2020, the creation of new ZEIT Now 1.0 Deployments is prohibited. Existing Deployments will continue to be available until August 7th 2020.
  • The x-vercel-trace header was removed in favor of x-vercel-id.
  • By default, all Gatsby Deployments will now receive default headers for automatically caching its assets in the visitor's browser.
  • Empty query string parameters placed in the destination property of redirects don't cause a 500 error when being invoked anymore.
  • Deployments will now retain cache directories of frameworks between builds again.
  • A 404.html file present in the output of a Deployment's build will now be considered whenever a 404 error is rendered.
  • Sending a Range header to a Deployment will not bypass the Edge Network cache anymore.
  • Creating a new Deployment with the builds property within vercel.json will now render a warning message about how the Build and Development Project Settings will not be applied.
  • All newly created Deployments now use in place of the suffix – reflecting the new company name.
  • Whenever the routes property and one of the new routing properties (cleanUrls, trailingSlash, rewrites or redirects) is used, an easier to understand error is now rendered.
  • Deployments failing to be created expectedly (for example, when the Vercel API will request more files to be uploaded by Vercel CLI) will not contribute to the rate limit for creating Deployments anymore.
  • If the destination property within rewrites or redirects contains a path segment, but the source property does not, an easier to understand error is now rendered.
  • Build logs now appear on the Web UI within 250ms since their creation, instead of up to 500ms.
  • If the source property of rewrites or redirects contains an invalid regular expression, an easier to understand error is now rendered.
  • The order of query string parameters is now retained when using rewrites or routes to pipe requests to an external service.
  • Whenever the error about hitting the maximum amount of output files is rendered, it will now correctly consider the new company name.
  • Drawers will not render a huge, annoying grey whitespace at their bottom on Android anymore.
  • Serverless Functions written in Ruby will not crash when returning a UTF-8 characters (such as emojis) anymore.

Web UI

  • The pricing page now lists options for Open Source Projects and organizations that would like to become partners of Vercel.
  • Dismissing the news banner at the top of the Web UI will now cause it to remain dismissed.
  • Whenever more than 2,000 lines of logs are printed while a Deployment is building, they will now be cut off at the end with a warning message, in order to protect browser memory.
  • Looking at the status of a .tk, .ga, .ml, or .cf Domain in the Project Settings will not cause an error anymore. Domain in the Project Settings will not cause an error anymore.
  • Editing a Domain and seeing an error because of invalid input will not cause the Domain to forever remain in a non-editable state anymore.
  • Editing the amount of Concurrent Builds, activating Password or SSO Protection and activating Preview Deployment Suffix isn't possible anymore if your Team has failed to pay their most recent charge.
  • Quickly scrolling through the Projects list will not cause a broken button for loading more items and a error message anymore.
  • Source files with names that are starting with a period uploaded through Vercel CLI will now properly show their content in the Web UI.
  • Accessing the Functions tab of a deleted Deployment will not cause a UI problem anymore.
  • Trying to import a non-existing Git repository now renders a useful error.
  • On iPad, the footnotes of fields within the Team Settings will not break into multiple lines anymore and the homepage will not be cut off left and right anymore.
  • The Functions tab for Deployments now renders enough spacing at the bottom in order for their logs to be easily readable.
  • Refreshing the import flow or leaving it will not cause an alert modal to be rendered anymore.
  • Leaving a Team will now render a confirmation modal.
  • The button for pausing and resuming the realtime feed of incoming Serverless Function requests is now working correctly again.
  • On the global "Git Integration" page in the Settings of a Personal Account or Team, it's now possible to click on a Git provider (such as GitHub) to easily disconnect the respective Git Integration.
  • Instead of rendering a visibility indicator on all private and public Deployments in the Web UI, only public Deployments will render one from now on. Additionally, enough space for long Team names is provided.
  • The badge right next to the name of Teams on the Pro trial now clearly indicates that the shown time is what's remaining until the end of the trial.
  • Visiting the URL of a Deployment on the Web UI will now prompt you to log in – no matter if you have access to it or not.
  • The homepage now works correctly on the latest version of the Edge.
  • If you've installed the GitHub Integration and then tried to import a Git repository that it doesn't have access to, a useful error is now rendered.
  • Special characters (such as `) entered in the Name field of a Personal Account will not be encoded anymore. Instead, they will be shown normally.
  • A not working section on the Security page was removed entirely.
  • Clicking "Back" in the import flow after being accepted to a Team doesn't cause an error anymore.
  • The message rendered after logging in will now correctly recommend waiting for a redirect to the Web UI to occur instead of telling you to close the window.
  • Long names of Teams and Personal Accounts will now properly be displayed in the flow for purchasing a new Domain.
  • The login page is now usable on landscape iPhone 11 (Pro) screens. Additionally, the signup page is now usable on iPhone SE.
  • After importing a Template, the success screen will now present the Production Domain instead of a Preview Domain of the Deployment.
  • Switching to the Activity tab will not render a short loading animation anymore if the information was already retrieved. Instead, it's shown immediately.
  • The placeholder text within the Autocomplete component is now vertically centered.
  • When adding more than one credit card to your Personal Account or Team, and selecting one of them to be the default, it will now be clear which one became the default.
  • Importing empty Git repositories now renders a useful error.


  • Running vercel again after signing up will not cause an error anymore.
  • Whenever vercel dev is run on a Project with Serverless Functions written in Node.js, it will now start up much faster. Additionally, any changes made to the source code will now be reflected immediately.
  • Running vercel without a working internet connection will now render a helpful error.
  • The .vercelignore configuration file can now be used to force the upload of a path that Vercel CLI ignores by default (such as node_modules).
  • Running vercel dev will now correctly apply the new routing properties (cleanUrls, trailingSlash, rewrites or redirects) if builds isn't defined in vercel.json.
  • All Official Runtimes are now delivered directly with the vercel npm package, which means Vercel CLI doesn't need to install them anymore.
  • Adding options (such as --debug) before the arguments of a sub command doesn't cause the usage information to be rendered anymore. Instead, the command will perform like expected.
  • All links referenced from Vercel CLI now work again. From here on out, will be used.
  • Vercel CLI will not try to install Yarn anymore, when installing your Community Runtimes. Instead, it will assume npm to be installed and use it. If it's not available, a useful error will be rendered.
  • It's now possible for Community Runtimes to opt into exposing a new startDevServer method, in order to provide the best performance for customers that are using vercel dev.
  • The published size of the vercel npm package was cut in half.
  • When using the old and new configuration methods (now.json and vercel.json, for example), an error will be rendered – suggesting to use only the new one.
  • The message that is rendered whenever a new update is available for Vercel CLI doesn't recommend installing the outdated now package anymore.
  • Creating your first Deployment within a Project will now suggest running the vercel --prod command for creating another Production Deployment instead of now --prod.


  • Because of its special requirements, the .coop Domain was removed from the list of Domains that are available for purchase.
  • Whenever a .dk Domain is added to a Project, the nameservers shown for connecting it now comply with the registrar's guidelines.
  • Domains purchased with Vercel and added to a Project will now render a clear message about the DNS propagation status again.
  • Your Domains will now be assigned to their respective Deployments even before the SSL Certificate is ready. Until it is available, your Deployment will therefore be served using the http protocol (to allow for faster assignment).


  • The Custom Domains page now links off to a guide for zero downtime Domain migrations.
  • On the section for the builds configuration property, a clear message about when to use the property is now rendered.
  • Now that the API for creating Deployments supports receiving a project parameter, the API Reference reflects the new behavior.
  • The pages Limits and Fair Use Policy now reflect that it's possible to contact Vercel Support to lift them.


  • The Slack Integration was renamed from "ZEIT Events" to "Vercel".
  • Using github.silent in vercel.json to prevent the GitHub Integrations from commenting on commits now works in combination with the Root Directory Project Setting.
  • The Bitbucket Integration now renders "Vercel" instead of "zeit-now" as the name of the check for Deploying your commit.
  • Integrations that weren't yet approved by our Team will now be prevented from being indexed by a search engine and will indicate their status through a message in the Web UI.