Get Slack messages for comments, deployment status, and new projects on Vercel. This integration allows you to choose Vercel events you’d like to receive Slack messages about and configure these settings for your Slack DMs as well as for specific channels.
Getting Started
To install the integration, you will be prompted to log into your Slack workspace and select the Vercel team and projects within that team (optional) that you would like to add the integration for.
Once the installation is complete, connect your Vercel account to Slack to receive personalized notifications.
Once done, type /vercel subscribe
in a channel or your messages to yourself to configure your Vercel Slack events.
For more information type /vercel help
anywhere in Slack or visit the documentation.
Private Channels
In order to be able to select private Slack channels, please add the @Vercel Slack App to the respective channel using /invite @Vercel