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Avatar of geldatageldata/nextjs-gel-auth-template

Gel + Gel Auth + Next.js

Minimal starter template with Gel and Next.js quickly. It includes a basic setup for authentication, Gel schema, and a starter UI.

Use Case

🎉 Next.js + Gel + Gel Auth template

This starter is designed to help you get up and running with Gel and Next.js quickly. It includes a basic setup for authentication, Gel schema, and a UI to get you started. Below you can find the steps to set up the project and start building your app as well as some ideas for extending it further.

This template includes:

🧐 What's inside?

├── app
│ ├── auth
│ ├── dashboard
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── globals.css
│ ├── layout.tsx
│ └── page.tsx
├── auth-setup.ts
├── components/
├── src/
├── public/
├── dbschema
│ ├── default.gel
│ └── migrations
├── gel.toml
├── gel.ts
├── eslint.config.js
├── next-env.d.ts
├── next.config.js
├── package.json
├── password-auth-setup.ts
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── postcss.config.js
├── tailwind.config.ts
└── tsconfig.json

Directory structure:

  • app/ - Next.js pages and components
  • public/ - static assets
  • components/ - React components
  • src/ - utility functions
  • dbschema/ - Gel schema and migrations
  • gel.toml - Gel configuration
  • gel.ts - Gel client
  • auth-setup.ts - script to set up Gel Auth
  • password-auth-setup.ts - script to set up email+password authentication
  • eslint.config.js - ESLint configuration
  • next-env.d.ts - Next.js types
  • next.config.js - Next.js configuration
  • package.json - npm dependencies
  • pnpm-lock.yaml - pnpm lockfile
  • postcss.config.js - PostCSS configuration
  • tailwind.config.ts - Tailwind CSS configuration
  • tsconfig.json - TypeScript configuration

🚀 Quick start

To get started with this template, you need to:

1. Clone the repository & install dependencies

git clone
cd nextjs-gel-auth-template
pnpm i

You can also click the "Use this template" button to create a new repository based on this template.

2. Install Gel CLI (optional)

You can just use npx gel, it would do the right thing to automatically install and run Gel CLI for you.

This README will use npx gel <command> style, but if you have the CLI installed you can use it directly, like this: gel <command>.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

For more installation options, see the Gel installation guide.

3. Initialize Gel project

To run this project, you need to initialize a new Gel project. Run the following command:

npx gel project init

4. Set up Gel Auth

This template includes a script to set up Gel Auth. It defaults to email+password authentication. Run the following command:

pnpm auth:setup

5. Generate types

This template includes a script to generate TypeScript types from the Gel schema. Run the following command:

pnpm generate:all

6. Start the development server

pnpm dev

Follow the instructions in the terminal to open the app in your browser.

7. Open the Gel UI

To view the database in the Gel UI or make changes to the Gel Auth configuration, run:

npx gel ui

✨ Next steps

Sign up and create an account

Click the sign up button in the top right corner to create an account. We're using the built-in authentication for this starter but you can implement a custom UI later.

Extend the Gel schema

Open the dbschema/default.gel file and add your own types and fields. You can start by adding a Post type with a title and content field or changing the Item type to include more fields. For example:

type Item {
# ...
# Add your new fields here:
required title: str;
required content: str;

Edit the Gel query

Open the app/dashboard/page.tsx file and update the query to include your new fields. You can add a new field to the query or change the existing fields to include your new data.

const items = await client.query<Props["items"][number]>(`
select Item {
created_by: {

Add more Auth providers

Open the Gel UI with the npx gel ui command and navigate to the Auth tab. Go to the "Providers" section and add a new Auth provider by clicking the "Add Provider" button and following the instructions.

Test the reset password flow

Sign out of your account and try to reset your password. Click the "Forgot Password" link on the login page and follow the instructions to reset your password. You should receive an email with a link to reset your password. To test it locally, you can use the Mailpit tool.

To set up the Mailpit tool, run the following command:

brew install mailpit

Or follow the instructions in the Mailpit docs.

Next, run the following command to start the Mailpit server:


After that, you can open the Mailpit UI in your browser at http://localhost:8025.

Updating the SMTP settings in the Gel UI

To test the reset password flow with Mailpit, you need to update the SMTP settings in the Gel UI. Open the Gel UI with the npx gel ui command and navigate to the Auth tab. Go to the "SMTP" section and update the settings with the following values:

  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 1025

The remaining fields can be left empty.

Extend the "New Item" form

Open the components/AddItem.tsx file and update the form to include your new fields. You can add a new field to the form or change the existing fields to include your new data.

Test access policies

Try deleting an item that you don't own. You shouldn't be able to delete it. You can test this by creating a new item and then trying to delete it with a different account. As a next step you can conditionally render the delete button based on the user's permissions.

Modify the UI callback

In the app/auth/[...auth]/route.ts file, you can find the user creation flow. You can modify this flow to include additional steps. For example, you can send a custom email to the new user or store additional data in the database.

👀 Quick look at the Gel schema

In the dbschema/default.gel file, you can find the Gel schema for this template. It includes the User and Item types with some basic fields and access policies. Here's a quick look at the schema:

using extension auth;

This line enables the Gel Auth extension, which provides built-in authentication and authorization features.

scalar type Role extending enum<admin, user>;
global current_user := (
select User
filter .identity = global ext::auth::ClientTokenIdentity
type User {
required identity: ext::auth::Identity;
required name: str;
email: str;
userRole: Role {
default := "user";
created: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
updated: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
rewrite update using (datetime_of_statement());

This block defines the Role and User types.

  • The identity field is an Gel Auth identity that uniquely identifies the user. It's created when the user signs up and is used for authentication. We link it to our custom User type with the ext::auth::Identity type.

  • The global current_user will be set to the User object is linked to the currently signed in user through the ext::auth::ClientTokenIdentity which is set by the Gel auth server library for signed in users.

  • The userRole field is an enum that defines the user's role. It defaults to "user" but can be set to "admin" for users with admin privileges.

  • The created and updated fields are timestamps that are set when the user is created or updated.

type Item {
required name: str;
required created_by: User {
default := global current_user;
created: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
updated: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
rewrite update using (datetime_of_statement());
access policy admin_has_full_access
allow all
using (global current_user.userRole ?= Role.admin);
access policy creator_has_full_access
allow all
using (.created_by ?= global current_user);
access policy others_read_only
allow select, insert;

This block defines the Item type. It includes fields for the item's name, creator, and timestamps for when the item was created and updated.

  • The created_by field is a reference to the User type that stores the user who created the item. It defaults to the currently authenticated user.

  • The created and updated fields are timestamps that are set when the item is created or updated.

  • The access policy blocks define the access policies for the Item type. They specify who can read, insert, update, or delete items based on the user's role and the item's creator.

    • The admin_has_full_access policy allows users with the "admin" role to perform all actions on items.
    • The creator_has_full_access policy allows the item's creator to perform all actions on the item.
    • The others_read_only policy allows other users to read and insert items but not update or delete them.

👩‍🏫 Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can also check out the Gel documentation to learn more about Gel and Gel Auth.

☁️ Deployment

Follow the deployment instructions in the Gel documentation to deploy your Next.js app to Gel Cloud and Vercel.

Avatar of geldatageldata/nextjs-gel-auth-template

Gel + Gel Auth + Next.js

Minimal starter template with Gel and Next.js quickly. It includes a basic setup for authentication, Gel schema, and a starter UI.

Use Case

🎉 Next.js + Gel + Gel Auth template

This starter is designed to help you get up and running with Gel and Next.js quickly. It includes a basic setup for authentication, Gel schema, and a UI to get you started. Below you can find the steps to set up the project and start building your app as well as some ideas for extending it further.

This template includes:

🧐 What's inside?

├── app
│ ├── auth
│ ├── dashboard
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── globals.css
│ ├── layout.tsx
│ └── page.tsx
├── auth-setup.ts
├── components/
├── src/
├── public/
├── dbschema
│ ├── default.gel
│ └── migrations
├── gel.toml
├── gel.ts
├── eslint.config.js
├── next-env.d.ts
├── next.config.js
├── package.json
├── password-auth-setup.ts
├── pnpm-lock.yaml
├── postcss.config.js
├── tailwind.config.ts
└── tsconfig.json

Directory structure:

  • app/ - Next.js pages and components
  • public/ - static assets
  • components/ - React components
  • src/ - utility functions
  • dbschema/ - Gel schema and migrations
  • gel.toml - Gel configuration
  • gel.ts - Gel client
  • auth-setup.ts - script to set up Gel Auth
  • password-auth-setup.ts - script to set up email+password authentication
  • eslint.config.js - ESLint configuration
  • next-env.d.ts - Next.js types
  • next.config.js - Next.js configuration
  • package.json - npm dependencies
  • pnpm-lock.yaml - pnpm lockfile
  • postcss.config.js - PostCSS configuration
  • tailwind.config.ts - Tailwind CSS configuration
  • tsconfig.json - TypeScript configuration

🚀 Quick start

To get started with this template, you need to:

1. Clone the repository & install dependencies

git clone
cd nextjs-gel-auth-template
pnpm i

You can also click the "Use this template" button to create a new repository based on this template.

2. Install Gel CLI (optional)

You can just use npx gel, it would do the right thing to automatically install and run Gel CLI for you.

This README will use npx gel <command> style, but if you have the CLI installed you can use it directly, like this: gel <command>.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

For more installation options, see the Gel installation guide.

3. Initialize Gel project

To run this project, you need to initialize a new Gel project. Run the following command:

npx gel project init

4. Set up Gel Auth

This template includes a script to set up Gel Auth. It defaults to email+password authentication. Run the following command:

pnpm auth:setup

5. Generate types

This template includes a script to generate TypeScript types from the Gel schema. Run the following command:

pnpm generate:all

6. Start the development server

pnpm dev

Follow the instructions in the terminal to open the app in your browser.

7. Open the Gel UI

To view the database in the Gel UI or make changes to the Gel Auth configuration, run:

npx gel ui

✨ Next steps

Sign up and create an account

Click the sign up button in the top right corner to create an account. We're using the built-in authentication for this starter but you can implement a custom UI later.

Extend the Gel schema

Open the dbschema/default.gel file and add your own types and fields. You can start by adding a Post type with a title and content field or changing the Item type to include more fields. For example:

type Item {
# ...
# Add your new fields here:
required title: str;
required content: str;

Edit the Gel query

Open the app/dashboard/page.tsx file and update the query to include your new fields. You can add a new field to the query or change the existing fields to include your new data.

const items = await client.query<Props["items"][number]>(`
select Item {
created_by: {

Add more Auth providers

Open the Gel UI with the npx gel ui command and navigate to the Auth tab. Go to the "Providers" section and add a new Auth provider by clicking the "Add Provider" button and following the instructions.

Test the reset password flow

Sign out of your account and try to reset your password. Click the "Forgot Password" link on the login page and follow the instructions to reset your password. You should receive an email with a link to reset your password. To test it locally, you can use the Mailpit tool.

To set up the Mailpit tool, run the following command:

brew install mailpit

Or follow the instructions in the Mailpit docs.

Next, run the following command to start the Mailpit server:


After that, you can open the Mailpit UI in your browser at http://localhost:8025.

Updating the SMTP settings in the Gel UI

To test the reset password flow with Mailpit, you need to update the SMTP settings in the Gel UI. Open the Gel UI with the npx gel ui command and navigate to the Auth tab. Go to the "SMTP" section and update the settings with the following values:

  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 1025

The remaining fields can be left empty.

Extend the "New Item" form

Open the components/AddItem.tsx file and update the form to include your new fields. You can add a new field to the form or change the existing fields to include your new data.

Test access policies

Try deleting an item that you don't own. You shouldn't be able to delete it. You can test this by creating a new item and then trying to delete it with a different account. As a next step you can conditionally render the delete button based on the user's permissions.

Modify the UI callback

In the app/auth/[...auth]/route.ts file, you can find the user creation flow. You can modify this flow to include additional steps. For example, you can send a custom email to the new user or store additional data in the database.

👀 Quick look at the Gel schema

In the dbschema/default.gel file, you can find the Gel schema for this template. It includes the User and Item types with some basic fields and access policies. Here's a quick look at the schema:

using extension auth;

This line enables the Gel Auth extension, which provides built-in authentication and authorization features.

scalar type Role extending enum<admin, user>;
global current_user := (
select User
filter .identity = global ext::auth::ClientTokenIdentity
type User {
required identity: ext::auth::Identity;
required name: str;
email: str;
userRole: Role {
default := "user";
created: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
updated: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
rewrite update using (datetime_of_statement());

This block defines the Role and User types.

  • The identity field is an Gel Auth identity that uniquely identifies the user. It's created when the user signs up and is used for authentication. We link it to our custom User type with the ext::auth::Identity type.

  • The global current_user will be set to the User object is linked to the currently signed in user through the ext::auth::ClientTokenIdentity which is set by the Gel auth server library for signed in users.

  • The userRole field is an enum that defines the user's role. It defaults to "user" but can be set to "admin" for users with admin privileges.

  • The created and updated fields are timestamps that are set when the user is created or updated.

type Item {
required name: str;
required created_by: User {
default := global current_user;
created: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
updated: datetime {
rewrite insert using (datetime_of_statement());
rewrite update using (datetime_of_statement());
access policy admin_has_full_access
allow all
using (global current_user.userRole ?= Role.admin);
access policy creator_has_full_access
allow all
using (.created_by ?= global current_user);
access policy others_read_only
allow select, insert;

This block defines the Item type. It includes fields for the item's name, creator, and timestamps for when the item was created and updated.

  • The created_by field is a reference to the User type that stores the user who created the item. It defaults to the currently authenticated user.

  • The created and updated fields are timestamps that are set when the item is created or updated.

  • The access policy blocks define the access policies for the Item type. They specify who can read, insert, update, or delete items based on the user's role and the item's creator.

    • The admin_has_full_access policy allows users with the "admin" role to perform all actions on items.
    • The creator_has_full_access policy allows the item's creator to perform all actions on the item.
    • The others_read_only policy allows other users to read and insert items but not update or delete them.

👩‍🏫 Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can also check out the Gel documentation to learn more about Gel and Gel Auth.

☁️ Deployment

Follow the deployment instructions in the Gel documentation to deploy your Next.js app to Gel Cloud and Vercel.

Unleash New Possibilities

Deploy your app on Vercel and unlock its full potential