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Thursday, October 5th 2023

Spend Management now available for Pro users

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Avatar for chloetedder

Chloe Tedder

Software Engineer

Avatar for cindywu

Cindy Wu

Software Engineer

Avatar for sdesetty11

Saranya Desetty

Product Manager

Avatar for skllcrn

Christopher Skillicorn

Product Designer

Avatar for amyburns

Amy Burns

Staff DX Engineer

Avatar for mbrakken

Marc Brakken

Engineering Manager

Today, we'll begin rolling out Spend management on the Pro plan for the Billing and Owner roles. You can recieve notifications and trigger webhooks when you pass a given spend amount on metered resources like Functions. The actions you can take are:

When your spending approaches or exceeds the set limit, you'll receive realtime notifications to help you stay in control. This includes Web and Email notifications at 50%, 75%, and 100%. Additionally, you can also receive SMS notifications when your spending reaches 100%.

Setting a spend amount does not mean your project with pause automatically. To programmatically take action based on your set amount, you can use a webhook to pause your project, or even put your site into maintenance mode.

Check out our documentation to learn more.
