Python support added to in-function concurrency beta

In-function concurrency is now part of Fluid compute

Fluid compute combines the efficiency of servers and the fleixbility of serverless, enabling real-time, dynamic workloads like APIs, streaming, and AI.

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Python is now supported in the ongoing in-function concurrency public beta.

In-function concurrency optimizes functions to handle multiple invocations simultaneously, improving resource efficiency. By reusing active instances instead of creating new ones, it reduces idle compute time and associated costs.

In-function concurrency is particularly beneficial for workloads with external API or database calls, such as AI models, where functions often sit idle while waiting for responses.

The in-function concurrency public beta is available to Pro and Enterprise customers using Standard or Performance Function CPU, and can be enabled through your dashboard. Real-time tracking of resource savings is available in Observability.

Learn more in our blog post and documentation, or get started with our template by enabling In-function concurrency in your project settings.