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Thursday, February 29th 2024

Prevent malicious traffic with Attack Challenge Mode for the Vercel Firewall

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Avatar for naaltman

Natalie Altman

Staff Product Manager

Avatar for josephcollins

Joseph Collins

Software Engineer

Avatar for andrewbarba

Andrew Barba

Software Engineer

Avatar for kevinrupert

Kevin Rupert

Product Designer

Avatar for skllcrn

Christopher Skillicorn

Product Designer

Avatar for amyburns

Amy Burns

Staff DX Engineer

Vercel Firewall protects your application from DDoS attacks.

Spikes in high volumes of traffic sometimes indicate malicious activity on your site. Customers can now quickly lock down traffic and further protect against DDoS attacks by challenging requests, minimizing the chance that malicious bots get through.

Attack Challenge Mode is now available for all Vercel customers at no additional cost. When temporarily enabled, all visitors to your site will see a challenge screen before they are allowed through.

Learn how to enable Attack Challenge Mode and protect your site.
