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Monday, September 18th 2023

New project access controls for Enterprise customers

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Ana Jovanova

Software Engineer

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Javier Bórquez

Software Engineer

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Miroslav Simulcik

Software Engineer

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Rich Haines

Director of Documentation

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Natalie Altman

Staff Product Manager

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Enric Pallerols

Software Engineer

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Balazs Varga

Software Engineer

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Marc Greenstock

Software Engineer, Infrastructure & Identity

Today, we’re introducing more ways for Enterprise customers to have control over which members of their Vercel team have access to certain projects for increased security.

The new team level role Contributor, has restricted access to make changes at the project level, and only has access to the projects to which they’ve been assigned. This role can be useful for agencies and contractors working on a limited project basis.

Additionally, we’ve introduced new Project level roles: Project Admin, Project Developer, and Project Viewer. Project level roles are assigned to a team member on a project level and are only valid for the project they are assigned to.

Check out the documentation to learn more.
