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Draft Mode: Users on any plan can now enable Draft Mode from the Vercel toolbar. When you do so, the toolbar color changes to purple to indicate you are viewing draft content.
Skew Protection: You can now implement Skew Protection to eliminate version skew between web clients and servers on Next.js version 13.4.7 or newer. The Skew Protection platform primitive is available to all frameworks.
Storage transfers: When Hobby users upgrade to Pro, their stores will be transferred to the new team.
Configured Ignored Build Step script: When rebuilding or promoting a deployment in a project with a Ignored Build Step script now you can explicitly skip the ignore build step script, forcing the build to happen.
System environment variables:
with the generated Git branch URL has been added to the system env vars to access a deployment’s Git branch alias from within their code.Faster deployment times: Projects with Edge Functions are now faster to deploy by: 2 seconds on average, 9 seconds in slow cases, and up a 20 second improvement in the slowest case.
Git metadata: You can now see Git metadata for deployments when there are unstaged changes.
Vercel CLI: v30.2.3 was published with updates to dependencies for Node and Remix.