2 min read
Making live reviews a reality.
When teams can easily share and comment on work in progress, big ideas happen faster. Today, we’re bringing that capability to all teams on Vercel with the ability to comment on Preview Deployments. Now, collaborating on websites and applications is as seamless as working on a Google Doc or Figma file.
Preview Deployments provide a shareable, production-quality URL for your website, while commenting enables real-time feedback in the context of the product you’re building. The result: dramatically faster iteration cycles and higher quality input from developers, designers, product managers, stakeholders, and more.
Why Preview Deployments?
Preview Deployments are often pointed to as our customers’ favorite Vercel feature to jumpstart their team's ability to iterate quickly.
Rather than spending days configuring staging or other pre-production environments, Vercel automatically creates a shareable live Preview URL with every code change so anyone can experience your site, exactly how it will be in production.

With the addition of commenting on Preview Deployments, you can now:
Review designs for final UI including interactions on every page.
Test across browsers, with browser and device metadata attached to every comment.
Receive comments from your team that are tracked in your PRs.
Use comments in a CLI workflow—deployments created via CLI, not from
, will generate Preview Deployments with comments enabled.
Comments have greatly improved our feedback process both internally among our marketers and designers and externally with our global clients—everything happens in the Preview and nothing gets lost in screenshots being sent back and forth.
Importance of a centralized async feedback process
With an increasing number of teams going remote, the tools we work with need to be collaborative and remove barrier to entry.
Using comments for feedback in your Preview Deployments removes fragmented reporting in additional tools, Slack, and email with out-of-context screenshots. Additionally, being able to pinpoint visual issues right in the browser instead of having to dive into code means you get to production faster.
Using comments on our Preview Deployments for feedback means our team has reduced time spent going back and forth by up to 80%. There are so many questions that don't need to be answered when you have the context of a comment right on your screen.
What rapid iteration means for high-growth teams
Waiting for new changes to update or collecting unorganized feedback from across various channels adds unnecessary wasted time to your workflows. With Vercel, you can make an update, see it in a live pre-production environment, and share it immediately with your team. Feedback and brainstorming become more accessible, allowing teams like marketing and design to share ideas directly with those implementing them.
You keep your momentum and big ideas happen faster—together.
All Pro and Enterprise teams will have the ability to use comments on their Preview Deployments, by default, for free.