AWS and Vercel: Accelerating innovation with serverless computing

Last week, I joined Holly Mesrobian, AWS VP of Serverless Compute, on stage at AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas. We discussed our shared vision of accelerating innovation with serverless computing, and how Vercel has leveraged AWS Lambda over the years.

Making the Web fasterin development and production

I’m passionate about digital transformation, and what it means for our customers—and their customers. We pride ourselves on creating the ultimate experience for developers and their users alike. 

As you would expect from a developer-first platform, it all starts with pushing code to the cloud, while ensuring the workflow is optimized for developer productivity.

To deliver world-class sites in production, we've turned lambda into an edge-first compute layer. We've also added globally distributed caching, which gets automatically purged from any data source, whether it's a database like DynamoDB or a composable commerce platform like Sitecore, BigCommerce, or Salesforce Commerce Cloud.​ With this model, our customers get optimal performance and infinite scale—at a fraction of the cost and overhead of manually provisioning servers or configuring a litany of cloud services.​

Because of these powerful DX and UX elements, Holly and I agree that the easiest, fastest, most effective way to modernize is to go serverless. 

Vercel takes advantage of AWS Lambda to give our customers the tools to iterate and scale quickly. We now deploy millions of functions that get invoked over five billion times per week. 
Vercel takes advantage of AWS Lambda to give our customers the tools to iterate and scale quickly. We now deploy millions of functions that get invoked over five billion times per week. 

Take The Washington Post

As leaders in digital content production, their engineering team needed to "match the speed of The Post's formidable newsroom," according to their Director of Newsroom Engineering, Jeremy Bowers. They started out by using Next.js and Vercel to collaborate and launch code quickly using Preview Deployments, establishing an internal engine for innovation that enabled "lightning-fast turnaround on developing new features."

The team realized the benefits of the serverless model extended to production, and when coupled with Vercel’s Edge Network, provided the optimal performance and scale to meet high-traffic moments. That’s why they chose Vercel as their frontend for their US Midterm Elections Results pages

The Washington Post handled this high-traffic moment flawlessly, making it “the smoothest election night anyone could remember” says Jeremy. 

Get started with serverless

Vercel helps users take advantage of best-in-class AWS infrastructure with zero configuration. Our customers are transforming their digital presence through their frontend—and accelerating the world's adoption of serverless technology.

I am constantly in awe of our customers’ achievements with this platform, and I can’t wait to see how they'll continue to drive innovation on the Web.