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Sitecore + Vercel

Develop composable, personalized digital experiences powered by Sitecore faster and deploy to Vercel's fully managed infrastructure for the most performant, reliable sites.

2x Faster Page Loads

Serve fast, personalized sites from a global Edge Network and stay fast with Speed Insights and Web Analytics.

7x Faster time to Market

Ship faster and more often with Vercel’s modern development workflow optimized for collaboration across teams.

Zero Configuration

Deploy in minutes and scale automatically without the burden of managing or maintaining costly infrastructure.

Security meets speed.

99.99% Uptime SLA

The Vercel Firewall

Integrated DDoS protection and dedicated support that keeps your site safe from attacks.

SOC 2 Type 2

Manage Access

Protect production, ensure correct access levels, and collaborate securely with RBAC and SSO.

GDPR Compliant

Observability by default

Visualize usage, traffic, and more from your Vercel dashboard with built-in monitoring, audit, and runtime logs.

Speed up and save time on your largest projects.

Combining Sitecore’s powerful composable offerings with Vercel’s frontend platform and global edge network lets us build robust, customer-rich experiences that scale automatically and load instantly. We’ve done over 1000+ Sitecore implementations and believe the Vercel + Sitecore composable solution is the next evolution for faster and better developer and user experiences.

Jerry Boduch

VP of Strategic Alliances

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Superior performance

Build and deploy high-performance web apps with Sitecore and Vercel. Integrate Sitecore's comprehensive solutions (XM Cloud, XM, XP, OrderCloud, Personalize, Content Hub, Content Hub ONE) with Vercel's Frontend Cloud. Eliminate infrastructure complexities and leverage Vercel's scalable infrastructure for unparalleled performance.

Sitecore API FirstSitecore API First

The composable Sitecore solution

From selecting tools to building infrastructure, migrating to a composable enterprise solution is daunting. Vercel's Frontend Cloud, combined with Sitecore, simplifies and accelerates your path to composable with Firewall, Secure Compute, Preview Comments, Preview Comments, and Serverless function failover.

Sitecore ComposableSitecore Composable

Build the experience customers want

Increased flexibility in frontend development and a fully composable architecture lets you build Sitecore sites how you want with best-of-breed tools and deliver the interactive, personalized experience that users expect.

Sitecore EcosystemsSitecore Ecosystems
  • 34% increase in site conversions.

    desenio Logodesenio Logo
  • 6× faster to build + deploy.

    ebay Logoebay Logo
  • 1 year of developer time saved.

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  • 60% increase in page speeds.

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