Debug and troubleshoot your Vercel apps faster with Baselime’s Vercel integration. This integration automatically captures logs from your Vercel apps and enables you to:
- Search using full-text search and regular expressions across your logs
- Get real-time notifications for errors
- Create alerts based on derived metrics from your logs
- Create dashboards to visualise your data and traffic
- Live tail your logs, both in the Baselime console and the Baselime CLI
- Enable distributed tracing with the
You can start without a pre-existing Baselime account, simply add the Vercel integration and start for free.
This integration automatically creates a log drain that sends all your logs from Vercel to Baselime. Your logs will automatically be grouped per invocation and available to search, query or tail in the Baselime console.
Does Baselime work with any framework?
Yes, all the logs you print to the standard output will be available in the Baselime console to search, query or tail.
Does Baselime have a standard Vercel dashboard?
Yes, we built a standard vercel dashboard that compiles request latencies, and status codes grouped by routes, number of unique visits, etc.
Does Baselime recognise errors?
Yes, Baselime automatically detects errors and sends you real-time alerts when errors are detected.
Does Baselime automatically recognise my Vercel apps?
Yes, new Vercel apps are automatically recognised, and Baselime organises your logs per app, enabling you to find your logs faster.
This integration offers additional features for Pro and Enterprise plans.