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Livestreaming millions with faster deployments and on-demand ISR

Already managing a vast range of mobile and online services, Tokyo-based DeNA’s new live streaming platform, Pococha, is another success story with 3.72 million downloads and counting. But this exponential growth left their dev team with long build times and limited bandwidth. 

Switching to Vercel’s zero-config deployments and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) with Next.js freed DeNA to focus on delivering faster sites (and the best experiences) to their user base across the world. 

“Vercel is so easy to use that it saves our engineering team several work hours on infrastructure, so we can redirect our available engineering resources towards other business endeavors.”

— Yu Komohara, Frontend Engineer at Pococha

Before using Vercel, the Pococha team managed their infrastructure with a serverless framework and deployed Next.js with a single AWS Lambda function. This presented two challenges: their previous solution’s uncompressed limit of 250MB meant using ISR with Next.js to improve deployment times would take them over their limit. 

Second, engineers spent too much time managing infrastructure, while knowing they could use a tool like Vercel for zero-configuration deployments at the edge. 

With Vercel’s Edge Network, the Pococha team can now intelligently route traffic and run logic as close to their users’ location as possible, increasing speed, improving site performance, and making the user experience that much better—which is all the more important for a global business based in Japan.

With all this time saved, engineers focus on improving their site pages. Their usage dashboard confirms how changes impact site performance—and whenever the Pococha team has questions, they reach out to Vercel’s enterprise support.

As Pococha’s community continues to grow, this seamless workflow, mixed with attentive support, ensures that developers can enjoy their work, while providing the best experience for livestreaming fans everywhere.  

Want to learn more about how to improve your site's performance and your team's development workflow? We'd love to chat. Get in touch with us here.
