Requester's public IP postal code now available in Vercel Functions

The x-vercel-ip-postal-code header is now part of Vercel’s geolocation capabilities, providing the postal code associated with the requester’s public IP address. This complements existing headers like x-vercel-ip-country, x-vercel-ip-city, and x-vercel-ip-country-region.

This information should be used as a general reference rather than a precise locator. Due to inherent limitations and variability in IP-based geolocation, the accuracy may vary. We recommend complementing it with other data sources, such as the Geolocation API, for critical applications.

The x-vercel-ip-postal-code header is accessible in Vercel Functions, including Edge Middleware. Here's a TypeScript example:

export function GET(request: Request) {
const postalCode = request.headers.get('x-vercel-ip-postal-code');
return new Response(`Postal Code: ${postalCode}`);

Postal codes are also available via the @vercel/functions package:

import { geolocation } from '@vercel/functions';
export function GET(request: Request) {
const geo = geolocation(request);
return new Response(`Postal Code: ${geo.postalCode}`);

For more information on headers and geolocation, see Vercel’s request header documentation.