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Thursday, February 9th 2023

New Relic Integration now supports traces from OpenTelemetry

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Cami Cano

Director of Product, Ecosystem

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Darpan Kakadia

Software Engineer

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Fabio Benedetti

Software Engineer

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Noor Al-Alami

Technical Program Manager, Ecosystem

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Craig Andrews

Software Engineer, Infrastructure

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Marc Greenstock

Software Engineer, Infrastructure & Identity

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Dom Busser

Director of Engineering

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Damien Simonin Feugas

Software Engineer

The New Relic integration now supports OpenTelemetry traces using Vercel’s new OpenTelemetry Collector. The collector allows users to send traces from Serverless Functions in just a few clicks.

The New Relic integration now includes:

  1. Vercel Log Drains
  2. OpenTelemetry traces (for Serverless Functions)
  3. A pre-configured dashboard to analyze traces

Install the integration today or learn more about how to use OpenTelemetry on Vercel.
