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Tuesday, February 6th 2024

Invite collaborators to view and comment on your deployments

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Avatar for gkaragkiaouris

George Karagkiaouris

Software Engineer

Avatar for samsaliba-vercelcom

Sam Saliba

Senior Product Manager

Avatar for skllcrn

Christopher Skillicorn

Product Designer

Avatar for konst-v

Kostyantyn Voytenko

Software Engineer

Avatar for amyburns

Amy Burns

Staff DX Engineer

Avatar for molebox

Rich Haines

Director of Documentation

You can now invite emails or team members to view a deployment through the share menu. All invitees will receive an email with a link to the deployment and have access to comment if comments are enabled.

The share menu will display who currently has access to a given deployment. Users with sufficient permissions will also be able to revoke access.

Visit the documentation to learn more about all options for sharing deployments.
