1 min read
With the launch of Log Drains, we made it easy to pipe the invocation logs of your Serverless Functions or Static Files to a log inspection tool like LogDNA or Datadog.
Handing off this piece of your production workflow to a service dedicated to this purpose allowed us to tighten our focus around what we do best: Plug-and-play realtime logs.
Better Build Logs
When creating a new Deployment, you are always presented with detailed logs showcasing how your source code is getting built. Today, we are introducing a new look for them:

Better Serverless Function Logs
If you want to inspect the logs of your Serverless Functions in a detailed manner, we recommend installing one of our Log Drain integrations.
Should you only want to take a quick glance at your Real-time Requests, the refined "Functions" tab will make that process very pleasant:

The same also goes for errors, which are especially important:

With the help of the refined Build and Serverless Functions Logs, understanding how your Deployment behaves while building or in production is now possible at a glance.
For more complex needs, such as storing logs, we recommend installing a Log Drain integration.
Let us know what you think about this change.