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Friday, September 9th 2022

Introducing the Vercel Templates Marketplace

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Steven Tey

Senior Developer Advocate

We are excited to announce the launch of the Vercel Templates Marketplace.

The new Templates Marketplace showcases all the different types of applications you can build on Vercel: blogs, ecommerce storefronts, etc.

Based on the results of our A/B testing with Edge Middleware, we also added fuzzy search and filters to make discovering new templates easier.

New version: wider selection of templates with fuzzy search & filters.
New version: wider selection of templates with fuzzy search & filters.
New version: wider selection of templates with fuzzy search & filters.
New version: wider selection of templates with fuzzy search & filters.

With this marketplace, we want to highlight our best Vercel-created templates, as well as content from the community. This will make it easier for developers to get started on Vercel.

Here are some examples:

Check out our Templates Marketplace today and jumpstart your app development process with our pre-built solutions.