Add 3D to your web projects with v0 and React Three Fiber

A step-by-step guide for building stunning 3D scenes on the web with example prompts.

React Three Fiber (R3F) is a powerful React renderer for three.js that simplifies building 3D graphics using React's component-based architecture. Whether you're building complex environments, animations, or interactive scenes, R3F makes it accessible—even if you're not an expert at math or physics.

With R3F support in v0, our AI-powered development assistant, you can incorporate 3D designs in your projects by chatting with v0 using natural language. Let's explore how to use v0 and R3F to create interactive 3D scenes to elevate your web designs.

Getting started with 3D development

The 3D scene: Your canvas for creation

The "scene" in 3D development is your workspace where all objects, lights, and cameras are placed. It’s rendered inside a <canvas> element on your webpage. Scene organization is crucial for effective 3D development, as it sets the foundation for everything else you'll build.

Example prompt: Create a 3D scene with a rotating sphere at the center and a stationary camera focused on it.

Key 3D shapes and their roles

Basic 3D shapes like spheres, boxes, and planes are building blocks for more complex structures in 3D development.

Spheres are perfect for representing objects like planets or balls and can easily be animated to simulate rolling or bouncing effects. Boxes, or cubes, provide the structure for everything from simple crates to intricate architectural forms, making them ideal for creating modular designs. And planes act as flat surfaces such as floors, walls, or backdrops, forming the foundation of your scene.

Example prompt: Generate a 3D scene with a bouncing sphere that interacts with the ground.

Meshes and materials: Bringing shapes to life

Meshes define the shape of 3D objects, while materials cover them with color, texture, and reflective properties. Choosing the right combination can make or break the realism of your scene.

Example prompt: Create a sphere with a high number of triangles for smoothness, and apply a metallic material to it.

Accessibility in 3D web projects

Ensuring accessibility in your 3D web projects is essential for creating inclusive and user-friendly experiences. Keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and proper color contrast make your 3D projects usable for everyone.

Example Prompt: Add alt text to key objects for screen reader compatibility.

Advanced features and enhancements

Working with GLB files

GLB files are optimized for the web, containing all the necessary data for 3D models, including geometry, textures, and animations. With v0, you can import and use these models in your scene by dragging and dropping the file into the chat.

Example prompt: Import the uploaded GLB model of a car and position it on a plane that acts as a road in the scene.

Choosing the right camera and lighting

The choice of camera plays a role in shaping how your scene is perceived.

  • A perspective camera mimics the way the human eye sees the world, making objects appear smaller as they fade into the distance—perfect for creating realistic depth and spatial relationships in your scene.

  • An orthographic camera offers a different approach by maintaining consistent object sizes regardless of their distance from the camera, eliminating perspective distortion.

Equally important is the role of lighting, which serves as the backbone of your scene’s mood and tone.

  • Ambient light provides a soft, even illumination that can make your scene feel natural and cohesive.

  • Directional light simulates the effect of sunlight, casting strong shadows and creating dramatic highlights.

Example prompt: Set up a perspective camera that views the scene from above to emphasize depth with directional light coming from the top left to simulate sunlight and cast shadows.

Pushing the limits of 3D development

Enhancing your scene with <environment />

The <environment /> component in R3F allows you to simulate realistic lighting and reflections by wrapping your scene in an environment map. This can greatly improve the realism of your 3D scenes.

Example prompt: Add an <environment /> component with the uploaded studio HDRI map to create realistic lighting and reflections for the product model.

Controls: Navigating your 3D scene

User interaction is crucial for creating engaging 3D experiences. R3F offers various controls like orbital, trackball, and fly controls to allow users to explore your 3D scenes freely.

Example prompt: Add orbital controls to allow users to rotate and zoom around the central object.

Mixing 3D with HTML and CSS

Blending 3D elements with HTML and CSS enables you to create rich, interactive experiences. Position HTML and CSS elements around the 3D canvas for better control over text, layout, and styling.

Example prompt: Create a 3D hero section with a rotating product model and add a call-to-action button using HTML.

Enhancing your scene with postprocessing

Postprocessing adds visual effects like bloom, depth of field, and motion blur, elevating the visual quality of your 3D scenes.

Example prompt: Apply a bloom effect to the brightest parts of the scene and add depth of field to focus on the main object.

Try R3F in v0 today

With these tools and techniques at your fingertips, you’re ready to start building incredible 3D experiences with v0 and R3F. Whether you're showcasing products, creating interactive environments, or experimenting with cutting-edge web graphics, it's never been easier to bring your ideas to life.

Create with v0

Start building with v0 and create 3D designs by describing them in natural language.

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