Should I use Cloudflare in front of Vercel?

Information on using Cloudflare together with Vercel.
Last updated on March 10, 2025
Domains & DNS

Using reverse proxies like Cloudflare will limit Vercel's traffic visibility for security measures, introduce latency that degrades performance, and create cache management issues that may affect reliability. We do not recommend using a reverse proxy in front of Vercel.

When a reverse proxy is detected, a warning will be shown on the project page and Firewall overview.
When a reverse proxy is detected, a warning will be shown on the project page and Firewall overview.
When a reverse proxy is detected, a warning will be shown on the project page and Firewall overview.
When a reverse proxy is detected, a warning will be shown on the project page and Firewall overview.

We recommend moving to Vercel as your DNS provider. Learn more.

Vercel offers native support for using a reverse proxy through rewrites and our Edge Network is both a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and a globally distributed platform for running compute in regions around the globe.

While it is possible to stack an external proxy or load balancer in front of Vercel, we do not recommend this approach. The biggest disadvantage is that Vercel no longer has full traffic visibility, which prevents the Vercel Firewall and our threat intelligence products from working to their full potential. This includes our ability to automatically challenge requests, prevent DDoS attacks, and more.

Learn more about reverse proxies with Vercel.

Vercel offers native support for wildcard domains.

Enterprise plan customers can issue a Cloudflare Origin CA certificate with a wildcard SAN (Subject Alternative Name) and upload it on Vercel, if required to use Cloudflare.

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