Auth0 by Okta is the leader in Identity and Access Management. Integrate Auth0 to your Vercel application in just a few clicks. Enjoy a seamless user experience, comprehensive features, and robust security measures. Set up your login box in just minutes and customize your experience with our APIs, SDKs, and other features like B2B Organizations, FGA to name a few.
Together, Auth0 with Vercel enhances your app's security, scalability, and customization, freeing you to focus on creating exceptional user experiences. Leave auth to us, so you can focus on your core application. Learn more: here.
This integration will allow you to connect a new or existing Auth0 instance to your Vercel project(s).
After you have completed the integration setup and successfully linked an Auth0 instance to your Vercel project(s), head over to your project’s settings page to take a look at the environment variables. For more information, take a look at the docs.
Auth0 Developer Resources
Visit the Auth0 Developer Center to learn how you can take your application’s security to the next level. Learn about Auth0 essentials, discover Auth0 features, and level up your Auth0 deployment. Use our Developer Resources to learn how to implement authentication and authorization in any of your apps using Auth0 developers guides, code samples, and labs!
Note: The Auth0 integration for Vercel is currently only supported for Next.js applications based on the Auth0 Next.js SDK.