Where can I submit Vercel feature requests?

Information on how to make feature requests for the Vercel platform.
Last updated on July 15, 2024
Policy & Security

We take customer feedback very seriously at Vercel. Whether it's something you feel could be improved or an addition to the platform you'd like to see, we appreciate any and all suggestions our customers provide.

When suggesting features, please be as detailed as possible in describing what problems you believe your suggestions will solve or the additional value it will bring to Vercel users.

Although we don't guarantee a response, we read every piece of feedback that is submitted and we may contact you for further information in certain circumstances.

Feature requests via the Vercel Community discussions are preferred. By sharing your product enhancements in public, other members of our community may share their opinions on your feedback or suggest solutions and workarounds. This also enables us to gauge how in demand a suggestion or feature request is.

On every vercel.com page, you will find a feedback input in the header. When clicked, it will look like this:

The feedback field when opened from a vercel.com page header.
The feedback field when opened from a vercel.com page header.

The feedback field is a great place to submit feedback and areas for improvement, particularly across our user interface. Unlike feedback via the Vercel Community Discussions, feedback submitted via this field is not shared publicly.

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