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Better insights.
Peak performance.

Upgrade your post-launch workflow with actionable insights, then experiment until you reach peak conversion rates.

Preview screenshot of Vercel Speed Insights dashboard with Real Experience Score of 97Preview screenshot of Vercel Speed Insights dashboard with Real Experience Score of 97

Privacy-friendly, real-time traffic insights

Collect essential insights about how visitors are using your site with in-depth page view metrics like top pages, top referring sites, and demographics.

Start measuring your traffic
tracking sources graph

Know what works best.

Find your top sources and see which content gets the most clicks.

tracking sources graph

First-party, at the edge.

Traffic data is routed through your own domain. Adblockers won't pick it up.

tracking sources graph

Bye bye, banners.

No cookies. No personal information stored.


Performance from the
right point of view

Get a continuous stream of performance measurements, over time, integrated into your development workflow. With Vercel, you can easily correlate changes in performance to new deployments.

Get your Score
Preview screenshot of Vercel Speed Insights dashboard with Real Experience Score of 96Preview screenshot of Vercel Speed Insights dashboard with Real Experience Score of 96
Preview screenshot of Vercel Speed Insights dashboard with Real Experience Score of 96Preview screenshot of Vercel Speed Insights dashboard with Real Experience Score of 96

Obtain your
Real Experience Score

A simulated test cannot capture the most important signals. Instead of measuring on your laptop, Vercel collects web vitals from the actual devices your visitors are using.

Analytics Score Icon31

Real Experience Score

The combined score of your Web Vitals experienced by your visitors.

First Contentful Paint

2.4sAnalytics Score Icon37

When the page's first content is displayed.

Largest Contentful Paint

3.5sAnalytics Score Icon30

When all the page's content has been displayed.

Interaction to Next Paint

90msAnalytics Score Icon33

The time from user interaction to rendering the next frame.

Cumulative Layout Shift

0.1Analytics Score Icon30

How much the page's elements move when loaded.

Get Started Today

Start collecting traffic data on your Vercel deployments. Gain insights in minutes.

Web Analytics
Analytics Score Icon92Speed Insights

How to Enable


Navigate to your Project in the Vercel dashboard.


Select the Analytics tab to get started.


Follow the instructions on the page.

Works with any application

Web Analytics is compatible with all frameworks. Takes only minutes to set up.

Learn More