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Open Graph

Validate how your Open Graph data is used for link previews on social platforms.

OG metadata table.
Not Provided

A URL to an image file or to a dynamically generated image for Twitter link previews. Images must be less than 5 MB in size. JPG,PNG, WEBP and GIF formats are supported. Only the first frame of an animated GIF will be used.SVG is not supported. og:image is used as a fallback.

<meta property="twitter:image" content="Twitter link preview image URL">
Not Provided

A card type for Twitter link previews. One of summary, summary_large_image, app, or player.

<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
Not Provided

A title for Twitter link previews with 70 characters max. og:title is used as a fallback.

<meta property="twitter:title" content="Twitter link preview title">
Not Provided

A description for Twitter link previews with 200 characters max. og:description is used as a fallback.

<meta property="twitter:description" content="Twitter link preview description">
Playground – Theatre.js
Not Provided

A one to two sentence description for search engines.

<meta property="description" content="Search engine description" />
Not Provided

A URL to an image file or to a dynamically generated image. Without an image, your link may not appear as a preview and will limit visual appeal and shareability.

<meta property="og:image" content="Link preview image URL">
Not Provided

A site name for link previews.

<meta property="og:site_name" content="Link preview site name">
Not Provided

A title for link previews.

<meta property="og:title" content="Link preview title">
Not Provided

A one to two sentence description for link previews.

<meta property="og:description" content="Link preview description" />
Not Provided

A canonical URL for link previews.

<meta property="og:url" content="Canonical link preview URL">

No Preview

Property twitter:card is required. Must be one of summary, summary_large_image, app or player.