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Build Logs

2 │ "extends": "./.svelte-kit/tsconfig.json",
╵ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You have specified a baseUrl and/or paths in your tsconfig.json which interferes with SvelteKit's auto-generated tsconfig.json. Remove it to avoid problems with intellisense. For path aliases, use `kit.alias` instead:
vite v5.4.10 building SSR bundle for production...
5:14:51 PM [vite-plugin-svelte] /vercel/path0/packages/site/src/routes/[dictionaryId]/history/+page.svelte:41:99 let:filteredRecords declared on parent component cannot be used inside named slot
39: <Filter items={data.history} let:filteredItems={filteredRecords} placeholder={$'history.history_search')}>
40: <div slot="right">
41: <Button form="filled" color="black" class="uno-dhru4m" onclick={() => exportHistoryAsCSV(filteredRecords)}>
42: <i class="fas fa-download" />
43: <span class="uno-6r9db5">{$'history.download_history')}</span>
320 modules transformed.
x Build failed in 4.28s
error during build:
[vite:json] [plugin vite:json] src/lib/i18n/locales/he.json (346:3): Failed to parse JSON file, invalid JSON syntax found at position 16231
file: /vercel/path0/packages/site/src/lib/i18n/locales/he.json:346:3