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Avatar of satnaingsatnaing/astro-paper


A minimal, responsive and SEO-friendly Astro blog theme.

Use Case
Astro Paper

AstroPaper 📄

AstroPaper is a minimal, responsive, accessible and SEO-friendly Astro blog theme. This theme is designed and crafted based on my personal blog.

Read the blog posts or check the README Documentation Section for more info.

🔥 Features

  • type-safe markdown
  • super fast performance
  • accessible (Keyboard/VoiceOver)
  • responsive (mobile ~ desktops)
  • SEO-friendly
  • light & dark mode
  • fuzzy search
  • draft posts & pagination
  • sitemap & rss feed
  • followed best practices
  • highly customizable
  • dynamic OG image generation for blog posts #15 (Blog Post)

Note: I've tested screen-reader accessibility of AstroPaper using VoiceOver on Mac and TalkBack on Android. I couldn't test all other screen-readers out there. However, accessibility enhancements in AstroPaper should be working fine on others as well.

✅ Lighthouse Score

🚀 Project Structure

Inside of AstroPaper, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│ ├── assets/
| ├── pagefind/ # auto-generated when build
│ └── favicon.svg
│ └── astropaper-og.jpg
│ └── favicon.svg
│ └── toggle-theme.js
├── src/
│ ├── assets/
│ │ └── icons/
│ │ └── images/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── data/
│ │ └── blog/
│ │ └──
│ ├── layouts/
│ └── pages/
│ └── styles/
│ └── utils/
│ └── config.ts
│ └── constants.ts
│ └── content.config.ts
└── astro.config.ts

Astro looks for .astro or .md files in the src/pages/ directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name.

Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public/ directory.

All blog posts are stored in src/data/blog directory.

📖 Documentation

Documentation can be read in two formats_ markdown & blog post.

💻 Tech Stack

Main Framework - Astro Type Checking - TypeScript Styling - TailwindCSS UI/UX - Figma Design File Static Search - FuseJS Icons - Tablers Code Formatting - Prettier Deployment - Cloudflare Pages Illustration in About Page - Linting - ESLint

👨🏻‍💻 Running Locally

You can start using this project locally by running the following command in your desired directory:

# pnpm
pnpm create astro@latest --template satnaing/astro-paper
# npm
npm create astro@latest -- --template satnaing/astro-paper
# yarn
yarn create astro --template satnaing/astro-paper

Then start the project by running the following commands:

# install dependencies if you haven't done so in the previous step.
pnpm install
# start running the project
pnpm run dev

As an alternative approach, if you have Docker installed, you can use Docker to run this project locally. Here's how:

# Build the Docker image
docker build -t astropaper .
# Run the Docker container
docker run -p 4321:80 astropaper

Google Site Verification (optional)

You can easily add your Google Site Verification HTML tag in AstroPaper using an environment variable. This step is optional. If you don't add the following environment variable, the google-site-verification tag won't appear in the HTML <head> section.

# in your environment variable file (.env)

See this discussion for adding AstroPaper to the Google Search Console.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Note! For Docker commands we must have it installed in your machine.

pnpm installInstalls dependencies
pnpm run devStarts local dev server at localhost:4321
pnpm run buildBuild your production site to ./dist/
pnpm run previewPreview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm run format:checkCheck code format with Prettier
pnpm run formatFormat codes with Prettier
pnpm run syncGenerates TypeScript types for all Astro modules. Learn more.
pnpm run lintLint with ESLint
docker compose up -dRun AstroPaper on docker, You can access with the same hostname and port informed on dev command.
docker compose run app npm installYou can run any command above into the docker container.
docker build -t astropaper .Build Docker image for AstroPaper.
docker run -p 4321:80 astropaperRun AstroPaper on Docker. The website will be accessible at http://localhost:4321.

Warning! Windows PowerShell users may need to install the concurrently package if they want to run diagnostics during development (astro check --watch & astro dev). For more info, see this issue.

✨ Feedback & Suggestions

If you have any suggestions/feedback, you can contact me via my email. Alternatively, feel free to open an issue if you find bugs or want to request new features.

📜 License

Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2025

Made with 🤍 by Sat Naing 👨🏻‍💻 and contributors.

Astro Paper
Avatar of satnaingsatnaing/astro-paper


A minimal, responsive and SEO-friendly Astro blog theme.

Use Case

AstroPaper 📄

AstroPaper is a minimal, responsive, accessible and SEO-friendly Astro blog theme. This theme is designed and crafted based on my personal blog.

Read the blog posts or check the README Documentation Section for more info.

🔥 Features

  • type-safe markdown
  • super fast performance
  • accessible (Keyboard/VoiceOver)
  • responsive (mobile ~ desktops)
  • SEO-friendly
  • light & dark mode
  • fuzzy search
  • draft posts & pagination
  • sitemap & rss feed
  • followed best practices
  • highly customizable
  • dynamic OG image generation for blog posts #15 (Blog Post)

Note: I've tested screen-reader accessibility of AstroPaper using VoiceOver on Mac and TalkBack on Android. I couldn't test all other screen-readers out there. However, accessibility enhancements in AstroPaper should be working fine on others as well.

✅ Lighthouse Score

🚀 Project Structure

Inside of AstroPaper, you'll see the following folders and files:

├── public/
│ ├── assets/
| ├── pagefind/ # auto-generated when build
│ └── favicon.svg
│ └── astropaper-og.jpg
│ └── favicon.svg
│ └── toggle-theme.js
├── src/
│ ├── assets/
│ │ └── icons/
│ │ └── images/
│ ├── components/
│ ├── data/
│ │ └── blog/
│ │ └──
│ ├── layouts/
│ └── pages/
│ └── styles/
│ └── utils/
│ └── config.ts
│ └── constants.ts
│ └── content.config.ts
└── astro.config.ts

Astro looks for .astro or .md files in the src/pages/ directory. Each page is exposed as a route based on its file name.

Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public/ directory.

All blog posts are stored in src/data/blog directory.

📖 Documentation

Documentation can be read in two formats_ markdown & blog post.

💻 Tech Stack

Main Framework - Astro Type Checking - TypeScript Styling - TailwindCSS UI/UX - Figma Design File Static Search - FuseJS Icons - Tablers Code Formatting - Prettier Deployment - Cloudflare Pages Illustration in About Page - Linting - ESLint

👨🏻‍💻 Running Locally

You can start using this project locally by running the following command in your desired directory:

# pnpm
pnpm create astro@latest --template satnaing/astro-paper
# npm
npm create astro@latest -- --template satnaing/astro-paper
# yarn
yarn create astro --template satnaing/astro-paper

Then start the project by running the following commands:

# install dependencies if you haven't done so in the previous step.
pnpm install
# start running the project
pnpm run dev

As an alternative approach, if you have Docker installed, you can use Docker to run this project locally. Here's how:

# Build the Docker image
docker build -t astropaper .
# Run the Docker container
docker run -p 4321:80 astropaper

Google Site Verification (optional)

You can easily add your Google Site Verification HTML tag in AstroPaper using an environment variable. This step is optional. If you don't add the following environment variable, the google-site-verification tag won't appear in the HTML <head> section.

# in your environment variable file (.env)

See this discussion for adding AstroPaper to the Google Search Console.

🧞 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Note! For Docker commands we must have it installed in your machine.

pnpm installInstalls dependencies
pnpm run devStarts local dev server at localhost:4321
pnpm run buildBuild your production site to ./dist/
pnpm run previewPreview your build locally, before deploying
pnpm run format:checkCheck code format with Prettier
pnpm run formatFormat codes with Prettier
pnpm run syncGenerates TypeScript types for all Astro modules. Learn more.
pnpm run lintLint with ESLint
docker compose up -dRun AstroPaper on docker, You can access with the same hostname and port informed on dev command.
docker compose run app npm installYou can run any command above into the docker container.
docker build -t astropaper .Build Docker image for AstroPaper.
docker run -p 4321:80 astropaperRun AstroPaper on Docker. The website will be accessible at http://localhost:4321.

Warning! Windows PowerShell users may need to install the concurrently package if they want to run diagnostics during development (astro check --watch & astro dev). For more info, see this issue.

✨ Feedback & Suggestions

If you have any suggestions/feedback, you can contact me via my email. Alternatively, feel free to open an issue if you find bugs or want to request new features.

📜 License

Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2025

Made with 🤍 by Sat Naing 👨🏻‍💻 and contributors.

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